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United States

Donald John Trump

Date of Birth: 14 June 1946
Place of Birth: New York City

Displaying 151-160 out of 180 results.

The EAC's used clothes

However there are growing concerns that Rwanda Tanzania and Uganda will be among the first to feel the wrath of President Donald Trump's administration...

New elections, old battles

Like the consultancy's work in swing states for Donald Trump last year in the United States its use of polling and social media data proved highly effective...

Trovoada's Chinese gamble

The Gabonese-born Prime Minister of São Tomé e Príncipe jokes in private about Donald Trump's slim chances of re-election as United States President – and is similarly dismissive of the prospects of his own opponents...

Hacks against facts

Kenyatta's Jubilee party hired Cambridge Analytica which worked on United States' President Donald Trump's election campaign last year and Odinga's campaign used the Washington DC-based Aristotle company to target voters...

A landslide foretold

If as widely predicted President Donald Trump presides over the emasculation of the Act Rwanda stands to gain a mineral exports windfall...


Sanctions test for Trump

However a strong and bipartisan group in Congress still opposes any relaxation of sanctions as do most groups on the 'religious right' a core part of President Donald Trump's support base as well as among human rights and Sudan campaigners more broadly...

Growth and less opportunity

African governments hoping for an easy ride from President Donald Trump's government got a reality check when on 13 July the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) in the Presidency summoned Uganda's Trade Minister Amelia Anne Kyambadde and an East African Community (EAC) delegation to a three-hour public hearing...

Casino Jack plays his hand

In late December having been tipped off by Iancu Costel a consultant based in Romania that Sassou was heading to Palm Beach Florida hoping to meet with the then President-elect Donald Trump Abramoff cut short his own Christmas holiday...

Opinion polls in question

Jubilee has again hired London-based consultants BTP Advisers and is said to be using the services of Cambridge Analytica who claim a big role in the outcome of Britain's referendum on the European Union and Donald Trump's victory in the USA'...

Displaying 151-160 out of 180 results.