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Issayas Afewerki

Date of Birth: 2/2/1946
Place of Birth: Asmara, Eritrea

Displaying 151-160 out of 175 results.

Eritrea and its cousins

But President Issayas Afeworki tells visitors not to forget history: little Eritrea took on and beat Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam's regime in Ethiopia which had boasted the biggest army in Africa plus massive backing from the Soviet Union...

Whitehall's Africa team

More of an innovator than Chalker Short is noticeably less sympathetic towards the 'New Africans': Yoweri Museveni Paul Kagame Meles Zenawi and Issayas Afeworki...

World-class war

Despite Eritrean claims there is no indication that Ethiopia intends to take over any Eritrean territory or to drive to Asmara to overthrow President Issayas Afeworki...

Pride and prejudice

Both President Issayas Afeworki and Prime Minister Meles Zenawi have refused to take calls from Clinton several times in the last fortnight Africa Confidential understands...

Paris and the prince

Ismael Omar is on good terms with Ethiopia and Djibouti suspended diplomatic relations with Eritrea after President Issayas Afeworki criticised Hassan Gouled during Organisation of African Unity peacekeeping efforts...

Who dares, loses

The moratorium on air attacks agreed after June’s raids on Asmara and Makelle (and after phone calls by President Bill Clinton to Premier Meles Zenawi and President Issayas Afewerki) still holds...

Annan and Africa

He also speaks frequently to Uganda's Yoweri Museveni Eritrea's Issayas Afeworki and Ethiopia's Meles Zenawi...

My Arabism tired me out

Idriss Déby Mali’s Alpha Oumar Konaré Niger’s Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara (all on Comessa’s presidential council) plus Ange-Félix Patassé (Central African Republic) and Issayas Afeworki (Eritrea)...

Moving deadlines

The former Director of the United States’ National Security Council Anthony Lake met President Issayas Afeworki in Asmara on 7 October then flew to Addis Ababa and talked to Premier Meles Zenawi...

Displaying 151-160 out of 175 results.