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Meles Zenawi

Date of Birth: 8 May 1955
Place of Birth: Adwa
Died: 20 August 2012

Displaying 121-130 out of 200 results.

Posturing outweighs the policy

President Abdullahi helped by Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi won the arms argument but the summiteers called for a constructive dialogue between him and the Islamic Courts...

Waiting but not sitting

Some of Premier Meles Zenawi's ministers think the DAG is trying to micromanage internal political affairs in favour of the gaoled opposition leaders...

Human wrongs

Ethiopia's Meles Zenawi is dealing with the opposition after the disputed elections...

Voters' voices

Meltdown for Meles ETHIOPIA: After last year's disputed elections Premier Meles Zenawi will try to transform the ruling Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) from a coalition into a single party with less focus on the country's ethnic groups (AC Vol 46 No 23)...

Transition starts here

The death-toll makes it seem that Prime Minister Meles Zenawi's government cannot regain its lost legitimacy either with Ethiopians or with Western governments...

Breaking point, again

Asmara claims that Addis Ababa is favoured because it helps Washington with its 'war on terror' while Prime Minister Meles Zenawi is a member of British Prime Minister Tony Blair's Commission for Africa (AC Vol 46 No 5)...


However the United States which leads the Djibouti-based regional anti-terrorist unit called the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (whose area of interest ranges from Kenya to Sudan and Saudi Arabia) is especially interested in Al Itihaad and not only because it is believed to have helped in the Al Qaida attacks on US and Israeli citizens in Kenya in 1998 and 2002 a line repeatedly stressed by Ethiopian Premier Meles Zenawi and most recently by President Abdullahi...


EU election observers roundly criticised the 15 May general elections infuriating Premier Meles Zenawi...

Trying talks

On 28 July Prime Minister Meles Zenawi Chairman of the EPRDF held his first post-election meeting with the opposition leaders Berhanu Nega of the Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD) and Beyene Petros of the United Ethiopian Democratic Forces (UEDF)...

Displaying 121-130 out of 200 results.