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Macky Sall

Date of Birth: 11 December 1961
Place of Birth: Fatick, Senegal

Displaying 101-110 out of 161 results.

Macky challenger gaoled

Dakar's Mayor Khalifa Sall is in prison only because President Macky Sall fears his growing challenge to his power say his supporters...

He wants to take on Macky Sall at the general elections due in July but PS leader Ousmane Tanor Dieng wants to stay in BBY...

Timis takes shine off boom

The involvement of the maverick businessman Vasile Frank Timis in Senegal's oil industry and his cosy relationship with President Macky Sall's government has attracted renewed interest from international investigators and delayed a promised licensing round (AC Vol 57 No 14 Mercy and Machiavelli)...

Timis's seam of woe

The background to Timis's problems in Senegal includes the big changes to the extractive sector which President Macky Sall plans...

He was pardoned earlier this year after serving just three years prompting speculation that Macky Sall is going to run for re-election and is anxious not to make too big an enemy of the PDS (AC Vol 57 No 14 Mercy and Machiavelli)...

Jammeh tilts the playing field

Closer to home past difficulties between past leaders Jawara and the late President Léopold Senghor of Senegal which surrounds Gambia except for its coastline are nothing compared to the rifts between Jammeh and President Macky Sall...

Mercy and Machiavelli

The release on 24 June of Karim Wade son of the previous President immediately stirred suspicion that President Macky Sall had one eye on next year's elections...

Critics argue that murky financial issues aside Karim has neither the will nor the capacity to be an opposition spearhead and that Macky Sall has more to fear from the likes of former prime minister Idrissa Seck who has slammed Wade's release as part of a shady self-serving pact between Sall and the PDS...

They may have no wish to rally to whatever coalition Macky Sall assembles but are not going to be reattach themselves to the Wade bandwagon either...

Not the court of Africa

Following the landmark trial in Dakar of Chadian former dictator Hissène Habré President Macky Sall has played down suggestions that Senegal should now become the permanent home of a Hague-style international court for Africa...

Can't stay, can't go

'In view of what we are experiencing I think that Europe must do something more for Africa ' said Italian Premier Matteo Renzi last month following talks with Senegalese President Macky Sall...

War for the soul of the state

As if the internal opposition to reform were not enough Vaz is finding support from President Macky Sall of Senegal and Gambia's President Yahya Jammeh...

Sall tries to look strong

On being elected in 2012 President Macky Sall promised to reduce the presidential term from seven to five years...

One peculiarity of the conflict is that both the President's Alliance pour la république and Khalifa's Parti socialiste are in the Benno Bokk Yakaar coalition that brought Macky Sall to the presidency...

Poor turnout in Dakar

This was meant to be President Macky Sall's moment...

As if to reinforce the point French Defence Minister Jean-Yves le Drian caused consternation when he addressed his host simply as 'Macky Sall' and used the familiar 'tu' (you) form of address in French instead of the more formal 'vous'...

Displaying 101-110 out of 161 results.