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Denis Sassou-Nguesso

Date of Birth: 23 November 1943
Place of Birth: Edou, Oyo District

Displaying 101-110 out of 203 results.

Franc Afrique

The decision may force the reopening of a 2007 police investigation into the assets of Presidents Omar Bongo Ondimba (Gabon) Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo (Equatorial Guinea)and Denis Sassou-Nguesso (Congo-Brazzaville) that was abruptly shut down...

Words like freedom

Three days earlier Mwinda had published an interview with Toungamani who accused President Denis Sassou-Nguesso of corruption...

Farewell, Lady Bongo

As daughter of Congo-Brazzaville President Denis Sassou-Nguesso Edith provided a vital regional link...

Unfinished business

Sarkozy's trip to Brazzaville where President Denis Sassou-Nguesso faces accusations of grand corruption and extra-judicial killings will be made more difficult by a wave of documents detailing links between his regime and senior French officials...

Credits crunched

Africa advisor at the Elysée Bruno Joubert will be awaiting a ruling by Paris's parquet on the admissibility of a civil case against Gabon's President Omar Bongo Ondimba Congo-Brazzaville's President Denis Sassou-Nguesso and Equatorial Guinea's President Teodoro Obiang Nguema for theft of public funds...

Old wounds, new crises

CONGO-BRAZZAVILLE: Return of the exiles The all-powerful President Denis Sassou-Nguesso will notch up an easy victory in the presidential poll scheduled for July...

Blood and money in the streets

It was managed by Lo Fong Hung Veronica Fung and allies of President Denis Sassou-Nguesso Denis Gokana and Blaise Elenga...

Banking on secrecy

Western governments will pressure offshore financial centres to yield more information on the opaque arrangements that facilitate capital flight and tax evasion so more African wealth is likely to follow the cash of political heavyweights like Denis Christel Sassou Nguesso son of Congo-Brazzaville's President Denis Sassou Nguesso...

Jungle justice

Now for the third time two non-governmental organisations Transparency International and Sherpa launched a case on 2 December to seize assets held in France by Congo-Brazzaville’s President Denis Sassou-Nguesso Equatorial Guinea’s Teodoro Obiang Nguema and Gabon’s Omar Bongo Ondimba...

Displaying 101-110 out of 203 results.