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Joseph Kony

Date of Birth: 1961

Displaying 1-10 out of 78 results.

A pawn in a zero-sum game

Orchestrated leaks have tried to suggest Martin was working covertly for the United States whose special forces were operating until 2017 in Haut-Mbomou in pursuit of Joseph Kony leader of Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army...

Economy deprives regime of options

Acholiland the northern former stronghold of rebel Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) leader Joseph Kony and where Museveni and Saleh disbursed large political funds to trounce the opposition in the last elections is also showing signs of antipathy to the state...

Sanctions test for Trump

' There were five 'tracks' set as benchmarks for the lifting of trade sanctions: ending offensive military action in Darfur and the 'Two Areas' (Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile); access for humanitarian organisations; halting support to Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army; collaboration in counter-terrorism; and ending support for the armed opposition in South Sudan...

Concealing disappointment

United States Special Forces and the Ugandan contingent are leaving Obo soon having on 19 April announced the end of their campaign in the area against Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army...

The fight moves south

Failed promiseAnother matter in the accumulated grievances fuelling violence in Equatoria is the government's failed promise to compensate the Arrow Boys for their initial mobilisation against Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army (LRA AC Vol 57 No 2 Pentagon expands in Africa)...

Pentagon expands in Africa

Africom also works with the Ugandan military to counter Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army which operates out of Central African Republic and Sudan (AC Vol 52 No 23 USA joins fight against LRA)...

An implausible government

Meanwhile the continuing multinational military offensive against the Lord's Resistance Army led by Khartoum's Ugandan rebel proxy Joseph Kony will give Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni an excuse to keep a detachment of Ugandan troops in South Sudan even though the peace deal says they should all withdraw...

Another free pass for Khartoum

Most information the Sudan passes on is likely to be on Somalia's Haraka al Shabaab al Mujahideen and Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army said one Sudanese rights specialist...

Warming up the Kenyatta-Museveni axis

Museveni who had invited the International Criminal Court to investigate and track down Joseph Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army has changed his mind about the ICC's role in Africa and become one of its most determined opponents...

Displaying 1-10 out of 78 results.