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Published 24th September 2004

Vol 45 No 19


Swelling the great gas balloon

In camera testimony to a French judge drags more names through the Nigeriagate scandal

Halliburton, the United States' oil services company, was the prime mover behind a US$180 million slush fund linked to Nigeria's $10 billion gas export plant, according to several witnesses before a French judicial investigation. Africa Confidential has obtained transcripts and case notes from the investigation. In them, Halliburton is said to have made at least three multi-million dollar payments to the British lawyer at the centre of the affair, Jeffrey Tesler, and to have insisted on his reappointment in 1999 when its partners in the construction consortium wanted him sacked (AC Vol 45 Nos 13 & 18). The latest payment to Tesler, in 2002, was linked (a witness claimed) to the construction contract for the sixth 'train' or unit for the Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG) plant, agreed last month. Halliburton is under investigation on various counts in six different jurisdictions. Its former Chief Executive, Dick Cheney, is US Vice-President, standing for re-election in November.

The Tesler tapes

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Operating out of a modest solicitor's office in the north London suburb of Tottenham, Jeffrey Tesler cuts an improbable figure as the multi-millionaire agent arbitrating among head...

Spinning on the edge

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As Western governments fumble for a policy, the NIF keeps up the dissembling

As Sudan government attacks on civilians continue in Darfur and as Washington at last calls the slaughter 'genocide', United States' and British diplomats argue perversely that for...

Good neighbours, bad neighbours

Chad lives precariously, even without the Darfur crisis on its eastern border (AC Vol 45 No 18). That disaster has turned President Idriss Déby against Khartoum, as he showe...

Now for the contest

Museveni wants many parties, as long as his own provides the president

Months after it was due, a new phase of Ugandan politics began on 21 September, when Hajat Janat Mukwaya, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, set out the government's v...

A very old connection

Portugal and Africa go back a very long way and in Lisbon they plan for rejuvenation

The new Portuguese President of the European Commission, José Manuel Durão Barroso, knows Africa well. He is expected to increase pressure on institutions like the A...

The team on the Tagus

Portugal's new Prime Minister, Pedro Santana Lopes, is a former Mayor of Lisbon with little experience of foreign affairs. He will leave them to the new Foreign Minister, Ant&oacut...


Kofi asks for more

United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan wants to increase the strength of Monuc, the UN Mission in Congo, from 10,800 to 23,000 men. He also wants troops for Sudan, and maybe I...

Collision course

The new Pan-African Parliament has already made an impact. As it opened in Midrand on 16 September, Pretoria established diplomatic ties with the Polisario Front's government-in-ex...

Unlikely heirs

The harmony may not last, but opponents of President Laurent Gbagbo are meeting in Paris to discuss uniting behind a single candidate in next year's elections.

Wayne Fredericks

We were sad to hear of the death on 18 August of Wayne Fredericks, a member of Africa Confidential's editorial board, aged 87. Wayne was one of the last survivors of a remarkable g...