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Population: 21.14m
GDP: $29.87bn
Debt: 115.2% of GDP (2023)

news from Zambia

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Found 291 articles.

Displaying 11-20 out of 291 results.

Hichilema hails 'mission impossible' deal

Lusaka's debt-restructuring brokered by France's Emmanuel Macron resonated more than his summit to redraw the global finance system

A deal to restructure US$6.3 billion of Zambia's foreign debt gives President Hakainde Hichilema much of what he was looking for – a resolution after almost two years of tort...


A bridge 100 metres too far

Zimbabwe failed to invest in a key trade link over the Zambezi and now that truckers are using it to avoid the country altogether, Harare wants back in

Botswana's President Mokgweetsi Masisi is happy to call himself one of Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa few friends abroad. Masisi has been outspoken in calling for western ...

Hichilema faces critical delivery test

Belts are tightening and scepticism is growing about the government's ability to fulfil its election pledges

At the present rate of progress President Hakainde Hichilema and his United Party for National Development (UPND) – elected in a landslide by voters fed up with six years of ...

Loans before haircuts

Finalising a US$1.3 billion loan with the International Monetary Fund in September was the easy part of Zambia's bid to avoid insolvency, according to analysts and officials from t...

Fears of pain in prospect

Pundits and public alike are waking up to the economic sacrifices entailed in the US$1.3 billion IMF rescue package agreed at the beginning of the month amid concern that President...

Debt deal boosts kwacha

It was months in the making, but Zambia's $1.3 billion bailout from the International Monetary Fund has made an instant impact. The kwacha currency gained more than 3% against the ...

Hichilema's team steps on the gas

After successful talks in Washington DC last month, Zambia's treasury officials hope to finalise a US$1.4 billion Extended Credit facility with the International Monetary Fund by t...

Hichilema accused of 'losing focus’

The President's public appearances are criticised for fighting yesterday's battles instead of concentrating on rocketing prices and the debt burden

President Hakainde Hichilema gave a long and emotional press conference on 25 April further cataloguing his persecution by the previous government – which many critics believ...

Hichilema enjoys a honeymoon

Buoyed by strong local and international backing, the new government targets progress on debt and social policy

The big questions for President Hakainde Hichilema's new government are whether it will succeed in restructuring the country's US$14.71 billion foreign debt and live up to its pled...

Displaying 11-20 out of 291 results.