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Population: 103.2m
GDP: $73.76bn
Debt: 11.1% of GDP (2024)

news from Congo-Kinshasa

Category: all

Found 551 articles.

Displaying 461-470 out of 551 results.

Soldiers go, plunderers stay

How occupying generals turned into thieves and how private companies helped them

The multi-billion dollar looting of Congo-Kinshasa's resources continues, threatening hopes for peace and economic reconstruction following the withdrawal of Rwandan, Ugandan and Z...

Hall of infamy

See this article for a list of individuals who are accused in the United Nations Report of the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Mineral Resources and Other Forms of ...

The British connection

British sanctions policy on Zimbabwe is in disarray after the United Nations Report on the Illegal Exploitation of Mineral Resources and Other Forms of Wealth in the Democratic Rep...

Proxy wars and slaughter

The confused killing in eastern Congo involves politics, tribalism and greed

Rwanda and Uganda have pulled out their troops (AC Vol 43 No 19) but the proxy war continues in eastern Congo. On 15 August in Luanda, Uganda agreed with Congo-Kinshasa to withdraw...

Behind the partition

Since 52 days of inter-Congolese talks at Sun City ended last month, a new partition is emerging. Some 70 per cent of the territory is covered by the 'framework agreement' between ...


Rebel and government delegations are regrouping – not reuniting their country

The Inter-Congolese Dialogue, which began on 25 February in Sun City, South Africa, has missed its deadline. The government of Joseph Kabila, the rebels, the unarmed opposition and...

Who killed Laurent?

The death penalty hangs over the accused but the trial is alternately tedious and entertaining. At Kinshasa's central prison on 15 March, a military court began trying some 125 sus...

High stakes at Sun City

Slow-flowing funds and covert bargains put peace-talks at risk

Peacemaking in the Congo has been a gamble so it's fitting that the next venue for talks is South Africa's casino capital, Sun City. First, though, the man in charge has to get his...

Under the volcano

Even the latest catastrophe in Goma isn't pushing the combatants into negotiations

The mile-wide river of lava spewing from Mount Nyiragonga last week devastated the rebel capital of Goma but hasn't changed the combatants' entrenched positions in the war. Preside...

Displaying 461-470 out of 551 results.