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Population: 103.2m
GDP: $73.76bn
Debt: 11.1% of GDP (2024)

news from Congo-Kinshasa

Category: all

Found 551 articles.

Displaying 351-360 out of 551 results.

Forest contracts review

The government is reviewing forestry concessions and Greenpeace produces a report that shows

Congo-Kinshsasa's government is to reform the controversial forestry sector. On 30 July, an interministerial commission, Le Commission Interministérielle de Conversion des A...

Tin soldiers

The commanders of Congo’s army, the Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo, are mining cassiterite (tin ore) and gold in league with the majority...

The competition heats up

As oil exploration continues apace on Lake Albert, Uganda and Congo threaten to make business difficult for foreign companies

Companies drilling on the Ugandan side of Lake Albert, which straddles the border with Congo-Kinshasa, had a rude shock in mid-June when President Yoweri Museveni announced that Ug...

Bemba under arrest

It is convenient for President Kabila that his main opponent stands accused of war crimes

At least a couple of months must pass before Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo can be transferred from Belgium, where he was arrested on 24 May, to prison in the Netherlands. The arrest warr...

Diamond horror

On 24 May, Kinshasa recalled ‘for consultations’ its Ambassador in Brussels, Jean-Pierre Mutamba, and (to the horror of the diamond trade) closed its Antwerp consulate. Later, it c...

In the rain-forrest

Under scrutiny since 2002, the Forrest Group is in trouble with the United Nations again

Belgium has lost a diplomat and the George Forrest Group, which dominates parts of Congo-Kinshasa's mining industry, has lost a valuable senior executive. Pierre Chevalier, Belgium...

Hidden depths

Tensions between Kinshasa and Kampala are heating up again and oil fortunes are at stake

Talks to resolve the intermittent border disputes between Kampala and Kinshasa have been called off after Congolese troops seized a tract of disputed territory between Arua distric...

Drifting apart

The habitual politeness between Belgium and its former colony grew thinner still during a five-day visit to Kinshasa in late April by three ministers from Brussels, Karel De Gucht ...

Under cover

The halting of United Nations' investigations into allegations of abuses by Indian and Pakistani peacekeepers in Congo-Kinshasa raises new questions about UN accountability and th...

Displaying 351-360 out of 551 results.