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Population: 49.14m
GDP: $26.87bn
Debt: 280.3% GDP (2024)

news from Sudan

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Found 564 articles.

Displaying 191-200 out of 564 results.

Pipeline problems

On 28 November, Sudan’s Petroleum Minister Ali Ahmed Osman announced that South Sudan would no longer be able to export its crude through the northern pipeline and Port Sudan, prov...

Implausible denials

As the Sudan Revolutionary Front is launched, the regime tries to parry opposition in the North by bombing South Sudan

Khartoum’s bombing of a refugee camp in South Sudan on 10 November has drawn unprecedented condemnation and stirred fears of a return to full-scale war between North and South. The...

Opposition on the march

Political and military oppositionists coordinate their campaigns as economic pressures mount on Khartoum

A new military-political alliance of northern oppositionists is determinedly confronting the Khartoum regime, just three months after South Sudan formally seceded. The two developm...

Military momentum

The impetus for the opposition’s new determination comes from the military success of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army-North in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states. The SPLA-N...

Terrorist listing

One leaked United States cable must have pleased a Khartoum regime eager toescape the US State Sponsors of Terrorism list. A ‘confidential’ note from the Khartoum Embassy of 26 Dec...

Lobbying on

Just as Mozambique’s Resistência Nacional Moçambicana threatens to return to violence, the man who championed it at the height of its atrocities has surfaced in papers found in the...

Changing times

The ruling National Congress Party warmly congratulated Libyans on ‘their victory against their long-term ruler’, recognising the Transitional National Council on 23 August. Yet, a...

Abyei in limbo

Ethiopia’s peacekeepers will face heavy scrutiny as Khartoum and Juba differ over Abyei and the still undemarcated border

The Abyei Agreement signed by the Khartoum regime and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in Addis Ababa on 20 June offers no respite for the more than 150,000 people cha...

Displaying 191-200 out of 564 results.