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Population: 49.14m
GDP: $26.87bn
Debt: 280.3% GDP (2024)

news from Sudan

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Found 564 articles.

Displaying 171-180 out of 564 results.

Sudan under protest

The killing of several student demonstrators in Nyala, the South Darfur capital, on 31 July has given Sudan's opposition its martyrs. That was what Khartoum had wanted to avoid. Re...

Protestors’ pressure mounts

The National Congress Party spent the 23rd anniversary of the 30 June coup, which brought it to power as the National Islamic Front, suppressing public protests. Its iron grip i...

No horizon

Though this week’s protests in the capital were ostensibly against austerity measures, demonstrators were calling for the government’s overthrow: ‘Khartoum rise up, rise up, we won...

Sanctions threat drives talks

Juba scrambles to regain the diplomatic initiative ahead of a new round of talks on oil and security with Khartoum

Economic and diplomatic pressures will probably push the governments of Juba and Khartoum back to negotiations on oil and border issues before the end of May. This follows the Unit...

Rockets and meetings

Khartoum blames Israel for bombing Port Sudan again while the opposition gets on with some planning

The airstrike that killed the driver of a four-by-four vehicle in a Port Sudan suburb just before 8 a.m. on 22 May added to the pressure on the ruling National Congress Party regim...

All or nothing

Khartoum is fighting on three fronts: a determined Southern army, confident armed oppositionists and a hostile population

When President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir told the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), ‘Either we end up in Juba and take everything or you end up in Khartoum and take ever...

UN clash over Beijing bullets claim

UN experts’ reports differ over Darfur arms violations

A seismic diplomatic row is rumbling at United Nations headquarters in New York over the circulation of a damning report by former UN experts pointing to the supply of Chinese-made...

War drums sound as the South takes Heglig

Khartoum mobilises against South Sudan and breaks off all negotiations

The seizure of the oil town of Heglig by South Sudan’s armed forces on 10 April ratchets up Juba’s confrontation with Khartoum’s National Congress Party (NCP) regime, which also fa...

Opposition turns up the heat

Civilian and military opponents of the Khartoum regime win more battles in their campaign

Over a hundred people tried to storm a police station in Khartoum’s Ed Deim area on 6 March after Awadia Agabna died in clashes with police. Protests then spread. She was from the ...

Khartoum rewrites history

Despite bombing civilians, the National Congress Party (NCP) has some success abroad in the propaganda war, persuading governments to accept its version of events: that the Sudan P...

Displaying 171-180 out of 564 results.