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South Africa

South Africa

Population: 62.47m
GDP: $373.23bn
Debt: 75.4% of GDP (2024)

news from South Africa

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Found 839 articles.

Displaying 801-810 out of 839 results.

Manpower and muscle

Trades unionists and communists challenge the power and policies of their ANC allies

The political structures of post-Independence South Africa are shaking, as the African National Congress adapts itself to the uncomfortable realities of power. Formally, the ANC wo...

Market forces

Despite criticism from the IMF, Pretoria has defended its currency against speculators – unlike some of the Asian Tigers

In the run-up to the annual International Monetary Fund and World Bank meeting in Hong Kong, China, on 23-25 September, two issues have dominated the South African economy. These a...

Trading arms

The defence industry wants politicians – even Nelson Mandela – to become arms salesmen

Defence Minister Joe Modise wants to buy new equipment for the South African National Defence Force, which he says is in decline. Finance Minister Trevor Manuel counters that the m...

Fighting for top jobs

Mandela's imminent retirement as ANC leader is the signal for a race for top jobs

Nothing can stop the carefully orchestrated ascendancy of Deputy President Thabo Mbeki, first to the African National Congress leadership and then to the South African presidency. ...

NIF targets Mandela

President Nelson Mandela's extraordinary peacemaking bid in Sudan, which appears to have pleased only the National Islamic Front, came without South African Foreign Ministry suppor...

Heading south

Chief Buthelezi is making common cause with the ANC's Modise to keep out illegals

Deputy President Thabo Mbeki speaks animatedly of an 'African Renaissance' – an updated version of Kwame Nkrumah's Pan-Africanism but with South Africa rather than Ghana stee...

Keep trekking

Afrikaner farmers move north, funded by the EU and some mysterious benefactors

One hundred and sixty years after the 'Great Trek' of Afrikaners from the Western Cape into the interior, a smaller, more bizarre trek is under way. Under government sponsorship, B...

Comrade shareholders

Union leaders are following the capitalist road to black empowerment

In a revolutionary mix of ideology and pragmatism, black trade unionists are invading the fringes of white capitalist power. Once the unions led the way to black empowerment throug...

Trading places

European politicians sound friendly but do not match post-apartheid expectations

A cloud of misunderstandings surrounds the unfinished negotiations between South Africa and the European Union on the rules for trade between them. In the days before South Africa ...

Displaying 801-810 out of 839 results.