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South Africa

South Africa

Population: 62.47m
GDP: $373.23bn
Debt: 75.4% of GDP (2024)

news from South Africa

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Found 839 articles.

Displaying 461-470 out of 839 results.

Suddenly, the nationalisation talk gets serious

The President and his business friends will have to make concessions to the growing calls for more state ownership

Nationalisation of the country’s mines, banks and land is under serious consideration by the governing African National Congress and not only because of the populist calls for it f...

The nationalisation investigators

The team investigating nationalisation was appointed in September 2010 by the African National Congress National General Council to investigate the ‘desirability and modalities’ of...

Foreign policy flip-flops

President Zuma’s foreign policies await definition and are under fierce attack from his former allies

President Jacob Zuma’s foreign policy, his critics at home say, is just like his domestic policy: he sits on the fence hoping to please everyone and in the end, paralysis follows. ...

Zuma's front-line diplomats

The President's foreign policy team

Kgalema Motlanthe, Deputy President: focuses on the United States, Canada, Britain and the European Union. Privately critical of South Africa’s embrace of China, Motlanthe wants to...

Zuma and the securocrats

Loyalists in crucial security positions are key to Zuma’s bid for a second term in office

President Jacob Zuma’s intention to stand for a second presidential term next year has divided the ramshackle coalition which controls the governing African National Congress. Sinc...

Police powers set to expand

The security forces have gained extra powers under President Jacob Zuma and some fear that these could be used to curb political opposition. The police are certainly tough enough a...

Veterans with influence

Veterans of the African National Congress’s former military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), helped Jacob Zuma to get elected ANC leader in 2007 and he wants their support again for a...

Malema and Zuma for breakfast

The African National Congress Youth League’s 24th annual conference convenes on 16 June with a new feature, the ‘Business Networking Lounge’. Under the rubric of ‘Youth Action For ...

Election results keep Zuma in contention

Enough black voters have stayed loyal to the ANC in local elections to boost Jacob Zuma’s hopes of a second presidential term

In spite of many failures in governance and widespread anger among its supporters, the ruling African National Congress decisively won the municipal elections on 18 May. Popular di...

Local elections threaten the ANC's national grip

Municipal elections do not always stir passions but those on 18 May hold great significance for an African National Congress beset by infighting and disunity. They promise to be the most competitive polls since majority rule began in 1994 and will affect the ANC’s National Congress next year, signpost 2014’s presidential and parliamentary elections and test the Tripartite Alliance of ANC, Confederation of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) and SA Communist Party (SACP), which is split several ways on economic policy.

President Jacob Zuma’s political position has become precarious and a poor show at the municipal polls will hurt him as much as his governing party (AC Vol 52 No 8). He is suff...

Displaying 461-470 out of 839 results.