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Population: 16.5m
GDP: $12.8bn

news from Somalia

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Found 295 articles.

Displaying 71-80 out of 295 results.

Shabaab’s surge

The Islamist militia is making new strides in the north-east. It may even have designs on Ethiopia’s troubled Somali region and Somaliland

While most attention focuses on the preparations for elections later in the year, Al Shabaab is targeting Puntland in a campaign of assassination, and its operations throughout nor...

Who wants an election?

Polls are due at the end of the year but after three years of preparation there is still little prospect of one person, one vote

A fractious and increasingly angry political scene – dominated by growing resentment of the federal government –; is one of several reasons the vision of representative democracy i...

Frontier fracas

Conflict flares between Mogadishu and Nairobi over Jubaland. Kenya wants a buffer zone but Farmajo has other ideas

Months of tensions between Mogadishu and its southern state of Jubaland came to the boil in early March and spilled across the Kenyan border in a violent face-off between the Somal...

Jubaland row heats up oil tiff

Tensions between Kenya and Somalia are rising fast over a dispute about politics and money in a Somali province

Separate but inter-related arguments over elections in Jubaland and offshore oil blocks claimed by both Kenya and Somalia appear to be coming to a head in the wake of the May appoi...

Washington stirs the UN pot

State Department choices prompt a resurgence of anti-US sentiment as oil goes up for grabs

The nomination on 30 May of the United States diplomat James Swan as the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative in Somalia has deepened divisions within the country's politi...

Farmajo's big push

The President is planning to launch a new anti-Al Shabaab military offensive. But the auguries are not favourable

New talks are taking place between the government of President Mohammed Abdullah Mohammed 'Farmajo', the United States, Ethiopia and the African Union Mission in Somalia (Amisom) t...

Out for the count

It was hardly surprising that government soldiers should abandon their posts after not being paid

Army day in Somalia is 12 April. But March was mutiny month. The country is still counting the cost after the Somali National Army abandoned three major bases in Gedo, Lower and Mi...

The cost of war

After a furious but well-hidden row, Burundi is set to withdraw 1,000 soldiers from the African Union Mission in Somalia (Amisom) force immediately; 4,532 Burundian troops will rem...

Shabaab fight in high gear

The Nairobi attack has sparked an intense new round of action by all the combatants in Somalia

The Al Shabaab conflict has reached a new level of intensity and bloodshed following the attack in Nairobi on 15 January in which 25 people, including four attackers, were killed. ...

Mogadishu lashes out

Hidden frustrations broke surface when Farmajo expelled the UN envoy, underlining major differences with the international community on the way forward

The expulsion of Nicholas Haysom, the UN Secretary General's Special Representative in Somalia, has opened a rift with the powers backing the federal government and financing the m...

Displaying 71-80 out of 295 results.