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Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone

Population: 8.42m
GDP: $4.56bn
Debt: 68.7% of GDP (2024)

news from Sierra Leone

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Found 201 articles.

Displaying 31-40 out of 201 results.

Drilling down

Sierra Leone's biggest mining company, Tonkolili Iron Ore, has been accused of complicity in rape, assault and the false imprisonment of a protester in a landmark case being heard ...

IMF stops funds over 'election' budget

The government is spending IMF money on trying to win the election, not on agreed measures for economic recovery. The Fund has suspended payments

A confidential despatch by United States diplomats in Freetown has laid bare the cause of strained relations between President Ernest Bai Koroma's government and the International ...

A homemade disaster

Toothless state agencies, illegal quarrying and government inaction sowed the seeds of August's deadly mudslide

The government now acknowledges that more than 1,000 people were killed in Freetown when a massive chunk of Mount Sugar Loaf, long degraded by illegal construction and blasting, sl...

One man, one vote

After much delay, President Ernest Bai Koroma has finally found a candidate he favours to take the nomination of the All Peoples Congress for the 2018 presidential election.

Pretty vacant presidency

The ruling party still has no candidate for the next election. The opposition has several but its previous candidate won't budge

Although the election to find a successor for President Ernest Bai Koroma takes place on 7 March next year, the country's two leading parties are yet to select their candidates. Ma...

Sugar loaf sell-out

Freetown politicians, Western embassies and property speculators face some tough questions about responsibility for the Mount Sugar Loaf landslide on 14 August in which more than 5...

Runway overrun

Despite promising the International Monetary Fund and World Bank that he would not go through with it, President Ernest Bai Koroma has still not given up on the Mamamah airport pro...

Iron Man

Facing lacklustre demand in the global market, the country's iron-ore production is only slowly recovering from the disaster of the Ebola epidemic of 2014-2015. The leading company...

Death of a front-runner

The weak opposition is unable to take advantage of deepening rifts in the increasingly unpopular ruling party

The sudden death in a London hospital of businessman and politician Gibril Santigie Moseray Fadika on 7 August has cast some light on the intrigues surrounding the battle to succee...

Africa probes the Panama connection

The Panama Papers have prompted governments to look more seriously at the costs of trade mispricing and illicit financial flows

Following the leak of over eleven million company files from the Mossack Fonseca law firm in Panama on 3 April, many African activists and law enforcement officers have been search...


Displaying 31-40 out of 201 results.