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Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone

Population: 8.42m
GDP: $4.56bn
Debt: 68.7% of GDP (2024)

news from Sierra Leone

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Found 201 articles.

Displaying 21-30 out of 201 results.

Koroma’s record on trial

Live broadcasts of inquiries into corruption under the last president have the people gripped. But can any crimes be prosecuted?

The revelations pouring out of three judicial commissions of inquiry into public corruption under former President Ernest Bai Koroma have the country agog. Live on national radio a...

A bridging loan too far

The Chinese government is putting pressure on President Julius Maada Bio to go ahead with a project to link Lungi International Airport, which lies on the other side of Tagrin Bay,...

Man in a hurry

Julius Maada Bio has promised much on education, and the anti-corruption bandwagon is already rolling

Determined to make his mark early, President Julius Maada Bio has promised a revolution in transport, in education and in tackling corruption. As well as promising a US$1.3 billion...

Corruption inquiry takes off

The new president is taking the advice of his transition team's explosive report by instituting a judicial inquiry into corruption

President Julius Maada Bio's cabinet on 6 July approved a wide-ranging probe focusing on 'unexplained wealth' allegedly accumulated by former President Ernest Bai Koroma and his of...

Narrow win constrains Bio

The new President is reaching out across party lines to compensate for his lack of a majority in parliament

Never one to shy away from flouting convention, President Julius Maada Bio has shown that he will not be constrained by a narrow win in the 31 March runoff, nor by his lack of a ma...

APC tries to stall election

After desperate politicians exploited ethnic allegiances, the ruling party is trying to stop the presidential runoff going ahead

Few surprises were produced by Sierra Leone's presidential elections on 7 March, which saw the ruling All People's Congress presidential candidate, Samura Kamara, head to a runoff ...

Flights of fancy

President Ernest Bai Koroma officially launched the Mamamah international airport project and associated 'airport city' for Freetown on 2 March, just in time to boost the prospects...

'Usual suspects' face challenge

With two weeks to polling day, the field is surprisingly open among those wooing voters for the chance to succeed Koroma

To many, the scandal surrounding the government's misuse of IMF funds to prime the electoral pump for the benefit of the ruling All People's Congress typifies the country's parlous...

Displaying 21-30 out of 201 results.