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Population: 13.86m
GDP: $13.7bn
Debt: 69.9% of GDP (2024)

news from Rwanda

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Found 164 articles.

Displaying 51-60 out of 164 results.

A landslide foretold

President Kagame’s victory next month is assured. Of greater interest is how he will achieve it and his policies towards the regional flashpoints

Lest there was any doubt about the outcome of the 4 August presidential election, President Paul Kagame dispelled it himself at a mass rally on 14 July, when official campaigning b...


Strong man, strong growth

Kagame is set to ignore all his critics, the US included, and persist with his authoritarian political and economic course

The United States declared itself 'deeply disappointed' at President Paul Kagame's January decision to stand for a third term in office, but he rapidly dismissed all concerns in a ...

No go for Greens

Rwanda's Supreme Court was due to begin hearings on 23 September on whether the constitution could be changed to allow President Paul Kagame to stand for a third seven-year term in...

An accidental arrest

Britain's arrest of Rwandan spy chief General Emmanuel Karenzi Karake on charges of crimes against humanity was either an unavoidable European treaty obligation, a massive bureaucr...

No room at the top

The ruling party is priming the public for a change in the law to allow President Paul Kagame a third term

The campaign is now in full swing to amend the constitution to allow President Paul Kagame to stand for a third term. Pro-government media are running opinion pieces almost daily p...


Lake murder mystery

Little progress has been made in the investigation into dozens of bodies found in Lake Rweru

Reports in August that dozens of bodies had been found floating in Lake Rweru on the Rwandan-Burundian border made international headlines and drew condemnation from foreign donors...

Kagame's purge

The arrest of senior government and army members considered pillars of the regime has caused surprise

The former head of the Republican Guard, Colonel Tom Byabagamba, was arrested on suspicion of 'crimes against state security' on 23 August on his return from the United Nations Mis...

Puzzle of FDLR intentions

The notorious militia is disarming but some say that’s a blind. A complex mix of motives, alliances and regional interests is at work

Central and Southern African leaders have demanded the disarmament of the Rwandan Hutu militia, the Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda. At a summit in Luand...

Fighting flares in the Kivus

Both Kinshasa and Kigali have their own domestic or geopolitical reasons to keep the pot boiling over their common border

Congo-Kinshasa and Rwanda traded heavy arms fire in the second week of June in a reminder, after months of calm, of the countries' mutual suspicion and the volatility of their shar...

Displaying 51-60 out of 164 results.