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Population: 13.86m
GDP: $13.7bn
Debt: 69.9% of GDP (2024)

news from Rwanda

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Found 164 articles.

Displaying 151-160 out of 164 results.

Advantage Kigali

The government has won its latest row with the UN over genocide trials

Tracking down the perpetrators of the 1994 genocide continues to dominate Rwandan politics. At home, an anti-corruption drive is running alongside fresh allegations of complicity i...


Vice-President Paul Kagame is said to be seething after four of Rwanda's best footballers, including team Captain Jean-Paul Nsengiyunva, absconded while on tour in Germany.

Friends fall out

The 2-year alliance between Museveni and Kagame is in trouble over Congo strategy

In the late 1970s, the old Front Patriotique Rwandais (then exiled in Uganda and Tanzania) had joined forces with Museveni's National Resistance Movement to help oust two Ugandan P...

The fire this time

The 1994 genocide blighted Central Africa and its bloody legacy continues to undermine the prospects for justice and regional stability

Five years after Rwanda’s holocaust, in which some 800,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutu were slaughtered in 100 days, those blood-soaked events reverberate across central Africa and the...

Cousins call

Just as the Congo rebels’ main backers had at last admitted their involvement in the civil war, a nasty row broke out between their military men. It began on 6 October, with a long...

Arusha verdicts

After four years of existence, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda has reached its first two verdicts. On 2 September in Arusha it found Jean-Paul Akayezu, a former Mayo...

North-west nightmare

Human rights come a bleak second as the army takes on the rebels

United Nations' human rights staff are packing their bags following the government's categorical refusal to allow rights monitoring as part of the UN brief. Talks with a top-level ...

Murder again

Seth Sendashonga was shot dead on 16 May while leaving a United Nations building in Nairobi. His family says the Kigali government organised his killing. Kenyan police, however, pi...

Legacy of war

Kigali's intervention in Zaïre helped to oust Mobutu but produced no victories at home

The transformation of old Zaïre in to the new Democratic Republic of Congo has also transformed the politics of the region around Lake Kivu. Yet insecurity remains endemic and...

Genocide denial

Africa Direct, a London-based organisation campaigning against the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda (AC Vol 38 No 12), is holding a conference entitled 'Rwa...

Displaying 151-160 out of 164 results.