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Population: 28.08m
GDP: $18.82bn
Debt: 48.9% of GDP (2024)

news from Niger

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Found 70 articles.

Displaying 61-70 out of 70 results.

Tandja wins, ok

The former ruling party pulled it off again: Mamadou Tandja of the Mouvement National pour la Société de Développement polled 59.9 per cent of the vote in the military-run presiden...

Dead men's shoes

The election to replace the dead dictator, General Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara, is due on 17 October, organised by the man whose soldiers killed him. Major Daouda Malam Wan...

Accidental coup

The murder of President Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara on 9 April was a genuine coup d'etat. After a couple of days' confusion, the dead man's supposed ally, Commandant Daou...

Hornet's nest

Algerian troops raided into north-west Niger in late November, with approval and support from the government in Niamey, Africa Confidential has learned.

Uglier turns

Ambushed by civilian politicians, General Mai¨nassara starts to hit back

Niamey's political violence took an uglier turn on 20 April when unidentified gunmen launched a professional-looking attack on the home of the coordinator of the opposition Front p...

All fall out

A free-market Premier and an ex-military President have conflicting aims

It is always difficult to satisfy both international donors and home-grown politicians. President Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara (known as IBM), a military man with lukewarm s...

Army in brief 

The army's taste of power was brief. General Ibrahim Barré Mainassara's coup of 27 January this year (AC Vol 37 No 3) will be swiftly followed by the presidential elections due (in...

Army in brief 

The army's taste of power was brief. General Ibrahim Barré Mainassara's coup of 27 January this year will be swiftly followed by the presidential elections due (inconveniently for ...

Soldiers' schemes

Western support for democracy is being tested by Niger's military rulers who seized power on 21 January. On 25 March, the European Union decided, against French pressure, to mainta...

The clocks go back

Africa's second coup of the year in Niamey had been brewing as long as its first in Freetown. Lieutenant Colonel Ibrahim Barré Mainassara, the former army Chief of Staff, ousted th...

Displaying 61-70 out of 70 results.