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Population: 34.86m
GDP: $22.98bn
Debt: 96.9% of GDP (2024)

news from Mozambique

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Found 238 articles.

Displaying 161-170 out of 238 results.

The titanium rush

The government has warned Chinese company Hong Ti Minerals to develop its mining project quickly as other Chinese firms join the hunt

Such is the competition for Mozambique’s mining permits that the government has threatened to revoke licences from companies that do not quickly develop their concessions. Mi...

The attractions of coal and gas

On her first state visit to Africa, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra pledged an $8 billion investment in Mozambican port and rail projects

Thailand’s Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra embarked on her maiden state visit to Africa in late July. Her first stop was Mozambique, where on 1 August she promised to make...

Agricultural revolution delayed

The ProSavana project that could turn Mozambique into a major agricultural producer has yet to convince local civil society groups and farmers

The ProSavana project has been set up to repeat a Japan International Cooperation Agency programme that helped to turn Brazil's Cerrado region into a major agricultural producer. I...

Armando Guebuza

President Mozambique: Mr Gue-Business in China

President Armando Emílio Guebuza met President Xi Jinping to discuss investment and solicit help in strengthening Mozambique's human resources ahead of the second session of the ...

Rotten timber trade

Chinese businesses use personal ties to Mozambican politicians and officials to run a network of illegal timber exports that mask the environmental impact of logging. So concludes ...

Rift risk over gas laws

Negotiations over the planned gas plant could put Anadarko and ENI on a collision course with government

Preparations are now well under way for a liquefied natural gas plant to handle Mozambique’s massive offshore gas deposits. The Instituto Nacional de Petróleo has proposed a bill t...

Make mine a mine

Foreign mining companies await clarification of the regulations after a bill goes before Parliament next month. The mining bill will also open the door to direct ownership by comp...

Guebuza’s new man

President Armando Guebuza has underlined his command of party and state by removing Prime Minister Aires Ali from his government job after he failed to hold on to his party post. A...

Partial win for Guebuza

The President maintained his grip on the party at the Pemba Congress but there were still some surprises

The tenth Congress of the Frente de Libertação de Moçambique ended on 29 September but President Armando Guebuza did not get everything he wanted: he won’t be able to wait out a pr...

The Putin option

The President hopes to go on running the country – and his businesses – after his term in office ends

The 23 to 28 September congress of the governing Frente de Libertação de Moçambique will be the field of the battle to decide whether President Armando Guebuza can hold on to polit...

Displaying 161-170 out of 238 results.