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Population: 34.86m
GDP: $22.98bn
Debt: 96.9% of GDP (2024)

news from Mozambique

Category: all

Found 238 articles.

Displaying 151-160 out of 238 results.

Renamo ramps up the pressure

Disgruntled Renamo rebels are using force and threats of economic disruption to get their demands on the table

The violent stand-off between President Armando Guebuza's government and the former Resistência Nacional Moçambicana (Renamo) rebels, now entering its sixth month, loo...

Frelimo decides 2014

The successor to President Armando Guebuza is expected to be decided in September at one of two meetings of the governing Frente de Libertação de Moçambique&rs...

A bumpy ride to the polls

A fraught registration of electors before the local polls and growing civil society interest compound Renamo’s dispute with Frelimo

Civil society, the media and all Mozambique’s political parties are heavily engaged in scrutinising and politicking over the new electoral register. The register should be co...

Timber rackets, gas booms

As the gas industry opens up the north, generals and politicians are smuggling hundreds of tonnes of timber and ivory to China

As the booming trade in smuggled ivory and timber devastates northern Mozambique’s environment, Attorney General Augusto Paulino has launched an investigation into the claimed invo...

Limits to corruption campaign

A new conflict of interest law forces some politicians to resign but Frelimo still dominates the economy

A series of high-profile resignations has followed the introduction of laws governing conflicts of interest and corruption but there is considerable uncertainty about how much furt...

Spoils for all, please

The main opposition party, the Resistência Nacional Moçambicana, wants its share of the riches currently benefiting the ruling Frente de Libertação de Moçambique and its senior mem...

Frelimo's gold rush

Energy and infrastructure investment could transform the neglected north and affect the presidential succession

Anadarko and other oil companies predict that gas finds in Cabo Delgado could double Mozambique’s annual gross domestic product. Meanwhile, vast coal reserves are believed to lie i...

The Quionga network

General Alberto Joaquim Chipande’s key business move was the formation of Quionga Energia SA this January. Also involved are his long-time ally Gen. Raimundo Pachinuapa and former ...

Military manoeuvres

An intervention force from the Southern African Development Community will soon deploy in eastern Congo-Kinshasa. It looks like a rerun of the 1998-2003 Congo war but some key par...

Scramble for Nacala

Leaders of the Frente de Libertação de Moçambique (Frelimo) are poised to benefit personally from the expected bonanza from the development of Nacala port, Africa Confidential has ...

Displaying 151-160 out of 238 results.