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Population: 34.86m
GDP: $22.98bn
Debt: 96.9% of GDP (2024)

news from Mozambique

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Found 238 articles.

Displaying 91-100 out of 238 results.

Ministry of muddle

Caught between Frelimo and the exasperation of international donors, the Finance Ministry is a confusing place to be

New horror stories about public finances are continually emerging from the Finance Ministry as the confusion over who borrowed what and from whom beleaguers civil servants and poli...

Frelimo's ostrich plan

Faced with an economic emergency, the country's leaders pray for indulgence from donors and hope hungry citizens do not revolt

President Filipe Nyusi still refuses to take special measures to deal with the economic crisis and is butting heads with donors over what is to be done. Meanwhile, he and his gover...

State of fear

Evidence is mounting that security forces are fomenting a climate of fear to suppress urban dissent while they conduct a scorched earth campaign against centres of support for the ...

Sovereign default looms

The debt time-bomb has all but exploded. A desperate government flails around looking for repayment solutions while public finances flounder

After Finance Minister Adriano Maleiane confessed in Parliament last week that the government could not cover a major loan repayment due on 23 May, a sovereign default looks likely...

Secret security debts devastate economy

As officials count the rising cost of the hidden debts, President Nyusi faces awkward questions from investors and donors

As Mozambique's mountain of dubious debts tops US$2 billion, there are growing calls for a forensic audit and an international police probe into the officials and entities involved...


IMF cut-off follows secret debt shock

The Fund has stopped flows to Maputo after secret debts came to light. Even more massive obligations remain hidden, we can reveal 

Shocked by revelations that top security officials in Maputo had racked up secret state-backed loans as big as $1.5 billion, the International Monetary Fund has cancelled its emerg...

Nyusi's resolve in doubt

The President may yet impose his authority on Frelimo, but many are wondering if the new broom is now back in the cupboard

A crucial series of Frelimo Central Committee meetings are due to take place between 21 and 24 April; they are President Filipe Nyusi's last chance to show party members and the pu...

Fighting flares in Tete

Refugees have crossed into Malawi after clashes between the government and Renamo. Who is guiding Frelimo policy?

Mozambican villagers at a refugee camp at Kapise, Malawi, say they have fled government security forces who burned crops and homes in Tete, sources at the camp have told Africa Con...

Make or break for Nyusi

The President faces a recalcitrant party, a highly aggressive Renamo and an economy beset by crisis

If President Filipe Nyusi thought 2015 would be his toughest year, 2016 may prove him wrong. Mozambique remains at a crossroads, with peace and perhaps prosperity in one direction,...

Nyusi's nightmare

The new President is still struggling for mastery of the state, while a legacy of chronic corruption hangs over the latest IMF deal

As the austere consequences of an International Monetary Fund emergency loan sink into public consciousness, Filipe Nyusi is still struggling to gain the control that election as P...

Displaying 91-100 out of 238 results.