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Population: 52.44m
GDP: $104bn
Debt: 73% of GDP (2024)

news from Kenya

Category: all

Found 634 articles.

Displaying 611-620 out of 634 results.

Nyachae and the Fund

Finance Minister Simeon Nyachae and Central Bank Governor Micah Cheserem will be lobbying hard at the 6-8 October annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank t...

Surprise guests

President Moi says relations with the USA are warming but economic aid remains on hold

A surprise guest turned up at the United States’ Independence Day festivities in Nairobi’s Ruaraka suburb on 4 July: President Daniel Arap Moi. His presence reflected h...

Hugging the opposition

Moi has always shunned coalitions but he's building one now the chips are down

"I am not a dictator. I just say what is good. I say things direct. I do not have money overseas. If I am to sink, I will sink in Kenya" President Daniel arap Moi, who rarely talks...

Laughter in adversity

President Moi's Kenya now has a lousy reputation in Washington DC. At a White House press briefing before President Clinton's Africa visit last March, an American journalist asked ...

The untouchables

Scepticism abounds as President Moi promises to crack down on corruption

The tactical war between President Daniel arap Moi's government and the National Convention Executive Council is on again. This time it is driven by popular anger at the rising cos...

Moi's last lap

Trying to defuse political rows over a new wave of killings in the Rift and election-rigging, KANU wants to concentrate on the succession

The signs are that President Daniel arap Moi’s final term in office will be as troubled as the last two. His victory in the December elections (AC Vol 39 No 1) has been tarni...

All change at the Treasury

Simeon Nyachae’ s promotion to Finance Minister and his predecessor Musalia Mudavadi’s demotion to Agriculture Minister have been accompanied by a thorough-going reorga...

Righting the rigging

Kenya’s Electoral Commission and Western diplomats have responded with a deafening silence to a confidential report on the 28 December elections by the Democratic Development...

Close shave

After the elections shambles, President Moi and KANU are still in power - just

It is clear that if the presidential and parliamentary elections had been free, fair and properly organised and if the opposition had not been chronically divided (AC Vol 39 No 24)...

The voting business

KANU is set to win this month's elections but at a high cost to the economy

Opposition hopes for the 29 December election rest on their ability to force President Daniel arap Moi to a second round of voting for the Presidency. To do this, as well as winnin...

Displaying 611-620 out of 634 results.