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Population: 52.44m
GDP: $104bn
Debt: 73% of GDP (2024)

news from Kenya

Category: all

Found 634 articles.

Displaying 591-600 out of 634 results.

Cat and mouse

Constitutionally President Moi must step down from office but he may still hold onto the levers of power

When President Daniel arap Moi met the President of the World Bank, James Wolfensohn, and the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Horst Köhler, Kenya's stall...

A soldier's story

Political risk and ethnic balance weigh heavily as President Moi decides whether the army chief should go

His close friends wouldn't claim that Lieutenant General Daudi Tonje is a popular head of the armed forces but they insist he's a good one. Few in the elite ranks of the ruling Ken...

Breakfast at the bank

The Moi government had to beg and now cannot choose

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund wanted to keep secret their breakfast meeting with President Daniel arap Moi on 7 September in New York. It was meant to be a dis...

Heavy commitments

No African government has faced stricter conditions than those approved for Kenya by the International Monetary Fund board in late July, in its Memorandum of Economic and Financial...

A tangled web

The government opposes land-grabs, which could threaten its own estates

'We do not wish to be infected by the Zimbabwe virus'. That was how the head of Kenya's civil service, Richard Leakey, reacted to press reports in early June that squatters had occ...

Linking in the Luo

President Daniel arap Moi and his team are jubilant. They have effectively derailed the broad-based constitutional review (AC Vol 41 Nos 2 & 6) which Moi was forced to accept a...

Duet for donors

The World bank is convinced Kenya's reforms are for real; the IMF is less sure

The government convinced itself that, by appointing a dream team of reforming technocrats under the captaincy of Richard Leakey, it had ended its credibility problems with the Inte...


President Moi deflects calls for constitutional reform and keeps quiet about the succession

Five years of promises from President Daniel arap Moi have brought little progress on constitutional reform and he is due to retire after the 2001 election. Until then, his circle ...

Going for broke

Civil service chief Leakey's anti-corruption drive could bring in just enough aid to rescue the government

Kenya is almost broke. And the International Monetary Fund, which has been expertly teased with promises of reform by President Daniel arap Moi's government several times before, i...

Displaying 591-600 out of 634 results.