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Guinea Bissau

Guinea Bissau

Population: 1.98m
GDP: $2.15bn
Debt: 76.5% of GDP (2024)

news from Guinea Bissau

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Found 47 articles.

Displaying 21-30 out of 47 results.

Treading softly

Prime Minister Domingos Simões Pereira's government is consolidating power and purging politicians and officials connected to the old regime. Efforts to restore the rule of ...

Saying no to the narco-state

A new civilian government is trying to guide the country back to legality, handling the military carefully and promising no prosecutions

No elected government has yet served out a full term but Prime Minister Domingos Simões Pereira has formed a broad coalition to get Guinea Bissau back on the path to constit...

The civilians may be back

Well conducted and fair elections last Monday will help restore civil society. Then comes the far greater challenge of reining in the military

The positive verdict on the conduct of the elections and the high turnout are but the first steps on a tricky road back to the rule of law and democracy (AC Vol 55 No 5, Resuscitat...

Resuscitating democracy

Soldiers and politicians compromised by their drugs activities are having trouble preventing a return to democracy

The much-postponed general elections are now scheduled for 16 April but there is little chance of resolving the political crisis or even that the polls will take place on time. Thi...

The unforgiven

To the relief of many seeking a restoration of democracy, law and order, on 10 September parliament failed to pass a law granting amnesty to the leaders of the April 2012 coup. For...

All at sea over drugs

Panic envelops the political and military elites amid US anti-drug operations and ECOWAS feels exposed by its support for the government

Top politicians and military officers are nervously looking over their shoulders after the detention of former navy chief José Américo Bubo Na Tchuto and the indictment of Army Chi...

Was it a coup?

A small, apparently unorganised, armed group attacked Bra air force base near Bissau on 21 October and troops killed six men. The transitional government promptly (but without evid...


Guinea-Bissau’s appearance at the United Nations normally attracts no fanfare but this year there was much anticipation when its interim President, Raimundo Pereira, overthrown in...

More time for the junta

The Economic Community of West African States has given the confused military junta twelve months to ease itself from power. However, the United Nations is holding out for an immed...

Displaying 21-30 out of 47 results.