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Population: 2.72m
GDP: $2.69bn
Debt: 64.3% of GDP (2024)

news from Gambia

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Found 48 articles.

Displaying 21-30 out of 48 results.

Jammeh says what he thinks

The President's threats against human rights activists should spoil his welcome at the Commonwealth summit and elsewhere

President Yahya Jammeh is due at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Trinidad and Tobago in the second half of November. However, a televised outburst in late S...

Fifteen years of one-man rule

Few outsiders are prepared to support the doughty opponents of Yahya Jammeh's corrupt and brutal regime

Since Lieutenant Yahya Jammeh led a succesful coup just 15 years ago on 22 July 1994, he has managed his small country against strong domestic complaints, but without much interfer...

No free speech here

By gaoling opposition journalists, President Yahya Jammeh makes himself look insecure. The President, who seized power as a mere lieutenant fifteen years ago, now entitles himself ...

Yom Ashura

Forgiveness and tolerance are key to Gambia and Senegal's celebration of the Islamic holy day of Yom Ashura (the tenth day of the Islamic New Year), this year on 8 January. In cont...

Diplomacy still has dollars for some

Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou’s desire to put an end to ‘dollar diplomacy’ has been put to the test by his counterparts in Burkina Faso and Gambia.

Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou’s desire to put an end to ‘dollar diplomacy’ (AAC Vol 1 No 11) has been put to the test by his counterparts in Burkina Faso and Gambia. On a diplom...

Bad medicine

President Yahya Jammeh is unhappy when foreign journalists betray scepticism about his proclaImed cure for AIDS. Since he cannot reach into the studios of Sky Television, he turned...

Crossing the river

Since March, fighting has raged between rebels and troops in Senegal's southern Casamance province, driving more than 10,000 refugees across the border. Rebel fighters crossed too:...

Jammeh tomorrow

The President's boast that he will hold power for the next 40 years no longer looks so idle

Opposition posturing and weak election monitoring handed President Alhaji Col. (Rtd.) Dr. Yahya AJJ Jammeh another easy win in the presidential election on 22 September. But it was...

Easy for Jammeh

The opposition has dashed its hopes of victory by failing to field a single candidate. The two rival alliances stand almost no chance against President Yahya Jammeh in the national...

Democratic deficits

After spending US$22 million on the African Union (AU) summit last month, President Yahya Jammeh has called a snap election on 22 September. With only six weeks to register voters,...

Displaying 21-30 out of 48 results.