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Population: 2.26m
GDP: $21.01bn
Debt: 73.1% of GDP (2024)

news from Gabon

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Found 83 articles.

Displaying 11-20 out of 83 results.

Bongo returns

President Ali Bongo Ondimba is trying to reassert his authority after months of recuperation following a stroke in November 2018. The chief of staff at the Presidency, Brice Laccru...

The son also rises

The man standing in for the President looked like he might be settling in, so the ruling clan swept him away and has appointed a dauphin

With the installation of his son Noureddin Bongo-Valentin as the 'general coordinator of presidential affairs', recuperating stroke victim President Ali Bongo Ondimba – or th...

Bongo clubbed in Paris

The Paris Club of sovereign state creditors is threatening to derail President Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba's government's delicate balancing act on its foreign debt.

IMF to rescue of CFA

The International Monetary Fund's US$642 million bail-out of Gabon has sparked a flurry of emergency loans to countries in the Communauté économique et monétaire de l'Afrique centr...

What Bongo owes

The International Monetary Fund has confirmed the dire state of the Gabonese economy in its Regional Economic Outlook report for sub-Saharan Africa, released on 9 May. Far worse th...

Bongo's fund embrace

Oil can no longer cover up the cracks in the economy. The IMF is being urged to demand an end to the elite's profligacy

Extravagant spending, collapsing oil revenue and a ruling elite that views state funds as its own property have pushed President Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba's government into the arms of...

Professional fouls

Ali Ben Bongo tried to make a festival of the Cup of Nations. But many were still angry about last August's disputed election

Opponents of President Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba hesitated over whether to use the Africa Cup of Nations (AfCON), the continent's football jamboree held every two years, to kick off fr...

Vote row threatens economy

Fallout from the disputed presidential election is affecting an already deteriorating economic outlook

Two crises will dominate Gabon's political landscape in 2017: President Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba's legitimacy as President and the economy. Bongo is badly tarnished both at home and a...

One-man dialogues

After Gabon's shambolic presidential vote in August and the swearing in of Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba on 27 September for a new seven-year term, both government and opposition are offer...

Bongo's incredible win

The deep suspicion around the President's wafer-thin election victory could affect his standing as concern about instability grows

Fraud played a major part in President Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba's narrow victory in the presidential election of 27 August, independent observers widely believe. The controversy is so...

Displaying 11-20 out of 83 results.