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Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea

Population: 1.59m
GDP: $10.71bn
Debt: 37.7% of GDP (2024)

news from Equatorial Guinea

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Found 60 articles.

Displaying 1-10 out of 60 results.

Obiang foils coup

The details of an attempted coup against President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo over the Christmas period remain unclear amid contradictory reports from government and other sourc...

Filling Obiang's boots

This month's poll, though no surprise, was meant to concentrate minds on who would follow in the strongman's footsteps

The veteran President, long the strongman of local politics even before he seized power in a 1979 coup, was sworn in for a new seven-year term on 20 May in front of seven other Afr...

Obiang’s own goal fest

Hosting the Africa Cup of Nations won some prestige for the regime but could not paper over the cracks

From the glass-fronted VIP section of the main stand, President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo had a perfect view as crowd violence in the Nuevo Estadio de Malabo spiralled out of c...

Disagreements over dialogue

President Obiang says he wants to open up politics to the opposition but most parties are setting conditions for taking part

President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo announced on 29 August his plans to hold a dialogue with members of the opposition but they are highly sceptical that it will lead to any pr...

L’etat, c’est nous

The President and his family do well out of – and squabble over – the tiny country’s massive oil riches

The elections on 26 May showed just how far President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo will go to stifle democratic opposition. The leading opposition party, the Convergencia para la ...

As the oil goes, the gas arrives

At international conferences on Equatorial Guinea, oilmen often praise its Mines Minister, Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima. However, his recent spate of contract-signing could be undone ...

Secret shipment

As President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo’s government rails against foreign influences seeking to destabilise Equatorial Guinea, it is none too pleased with the latest decisions ...

Obiang loves China

Billions in non-transparent contracts have gone to Chinese companies and the opposition claims that Beijing is supporting the regime’s oppressive tactics

China stands accused of cooperating with the government of President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo to limit civil rights in Equatorial Guinea and to suppress the political opposit...


Displaying 1-10 out of 60 results.