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Population: 107.79m
GDP: $347.59bn
Debt: 96.4% of GDP (2024)

news from Egypt

Category: all

Found 175 articles.

Displaying 71-80 out of 175 results.

Filling in the blanks

El Sisi is concentrating on building a political power base and leaving trusted technocrats to tackle the tough economic challenges ahead

With the formalities of yesterday's presidential inauguration behind him, Field Marshal Abdel Fatah Khalil el Sisi's key new challenge is to ensure that he wins a solid majority in...

Turn out for the Field Marshal

The election result was never in doubt but polling was extended in the hope of improving El Sisi’s mandate and obtaining a better turnout

Abdel Fatah Khalil el Sisi will start his presidency knowing that a significant proportion of the public has faith in his pledge to bring security and eventual prosperity through p...

Saudi Arabia targets Khartoum

The National Congress Party’s support for Egypt’s Muslim Brothers is exacting a heavy political and economic cost

Financial sanctions on Sudan by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are a political warning shot. The immediate targets are Khartoum's backing for Egypt's banned Muslim Broth...

El Sisi's spring offensive

The Field Marshal deploys a full armoury of marketing and social media tools to extend his political base as he launches his presidential campaign

One of the first public appearances that Field Marshal Abdel Fatah Saeed Hussein Khalil el Sisi made after stepping down as Defence Minister and Army Commander on 26 March was in a...

Out of reach

The shareholders of Egypt's Ajwa for Food Industries Company are embroiled in a long-running dispute with the former non-executive Chairman, the Saudi Arabian billionaire Sheikh Mo...

Dam leak hits Addis

Ethiopia risks isolation in the row with Egypt over the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) now that the previously secret Independent Panel of Experts' repo...

Surprise shake-up

The late February reshuffle came as a surprise because the quest for ministers will begin again after the presidential and parliamentary elections, due in the coming months. Some s...

Displaying 71-80 out of 175 results.