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news from Germany

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Found 10 articles.

Displaying 1-10 out of 10 results.


Scholz dashes for gas

The Chancellor explores a deal with Abuja to diversify Germany's energy suppliers as Moscow's war on Ukraine forces gas importers to widen their horizons

The prospect of Germany opening negotiations for a longer-term gas supply agreement with Nigeria could be a turning point for the government's search for investment in its energy s...



Berlin tries to broker cash for migrants deals

Europe's biggest economy and source of development finance mulls payments to deter migration

Germany is set to be the next European Union country to attempt to broker 'cash for migrants' deals, primarily with North African states Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Egypt. This e...


Kapofi sparks outrage over genocide deal

The SWAPO government's defence of Berlin's compensation offer for its troops' genocide against the Herero and Nama fuels opposition, raising questions about a new hydrogen deal

Anger about the May 2021 genocide 'reconciliation' with Germany – under which Berlin is due to pay Namibia just €1.1 billion (US$1.3bn) over 30 years for its colonial ma...

Germany's turn to Africa

Merkel's government is putting Africa high on its agenda of actions to be taken during its G-20 presidency

Few would have expected Africa to be the focus of Chancellor Angela Merkel's leadership of the Group of Twenty, whose presidency rotates annually. Nevertheless, she will host a 'Hi...

German exile

News that Oku Kaunya, a former deputy Commandant in the Administration Police, has gone into exile in Germany will concentrate the minds of the investigators from the International...

Authoritarian notes

Until Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel leant on them, Munich-based security printers Giesecke & Devrient GmbH had a lucrative contract to supply paper for Zimbabwe's consider...

Displaying 1-10 out of 10 results.