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Population: 18.44m
GDP: $18.78bn
Debt: 32.3% of GDP (2024)

news from Chad

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Found 79 articles.

Displaying 11-20 out of 79 results.

Reliving Darfur's tragic history 20 years on

The floundering attempts at a ceasefire around Khartoum are ignoring the growing threat of regional conflagration in the west

As international attention flickered on the failing talks in Jeddah mediated by officials from Saudi Arabia and the United States, the war between Sudan's military factions has bee...

    Vol 64 No 11 |
  • CHAD

Succès on K-Street

Opposition leader Succès Masra and his party, Les Transformateurs, have taken on the K-Street lobby shop, Scribe Strategies, led by Republican operative Joseph Szlavik, one ...

Border troubles threaten the region

The Chad-Sudan frontier and the restive militias which straddle it are looming larger as tensions rise

On 29 January, Sudan's military leader, General Abdel Fattah al Burhan, went to Ndjamena to discuss growing insecurity on the Chad-Sudan border. No surprises there, perhaps, but th...

    Vol 64 No 4 |
  • CHAD

Kaka falls back on authoritarianism

The President has abandoned the trappings of 'transition' and is consolidating his rule for the long run

Many of the efforts to broaden the support base of the regime of President Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno (aka Mahamat 'Kaka') during last year's reconciliation exercise included ...

Bang go the reforms

The credibility of the regime's bid for wider legitimacy is in tatters after it emerged on 5 December that a military court had sentenced 262 of those detained after demonstrations...

    Vol 63 No 22 |
  • CHAD

Massacre threatens transition plan

Mahamat Déby's plan to stay on at least until late 2024 and keep control of security is in question after state forces brutally suppressed demonstrations

Interim President Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno 'Kaka' and his 'inclusive' new government, which boasts reconciled oppositionists and reformed militia leaders, is in deep crisis ...

    Vol 62 No 18 |
  • CHAD

Hey, big lender

Glencore's huge lending habits have earned the Swiss commodities trader a ticking off from the International Monetary Fund. In a 7 September statement, Abebe Aemro Selassie, the he...

Gabon ires fellow Africans at the UN

A bitter dispute between African Union members over a non-permanent seat on the Security Council has broken into the open 

Furious argument has erupted over the normally placid elections by the UN General Assembly for one of the two non-permanent seats reserved for African countries on the UN Security ...

    Vol 62 No 11 |
  • CHAD

Oil-backed loans cast shadow

President Déby's death has put the debt crisis negotiations on hold but Glencore faces pressure to make concessions

A month after Mahamat Idriss Déby took the helm in Chad in the wake of his father's death in April, huge questions remain over the country's economic fortunes, notably over ...

Displaying 11-20 out of 79 results.