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Population: 46.63m
GDP: $266.78bn
Debt: 46.4 % of GDP (2024)

news from Algeria

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Found 121 articles.

Displaying 101-110 out of 121 results.

Alger l'Africaine

President Bouteflika's hosting of the OAU summit revived his diplomatic networks

It was a spectacular relaunch for Algeria's foreign policy. Over 2,000 African diplomats and 44 heads of state and government arrived in a freshly painted Algiers for the Organisat...

Bienvenue à Alger

After some tense weeks following the controversial elections, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika is promising a peace deal facilitated by an improbable alliance between radical Islamis...

Enemies within

Although the establishment candidate Abdelaziz Bouteflika won, the manner of his victory in the 15 April presidential election - with the authorities failing to bludgeon any of his...

Boutef is bounced back

The generals' choice seems certain to be the people's new president

Like Nigerians last month and Indonesians in June, Algerians will get their chance on 15 April to vote for a civilian president after decades of despotic and corrupt military rule....

Hornet's nest

Algerian troops raided into north-west Niger in late November, with approval and support from the government in Niamey, Africa Confidential has learned.

The next Zeroual

Liamine Zeroual’s decision to stand down as President on 11 September followed months of establishment infighting, reflected in a bitter and unprecedented press campaign against hi...

Military shopping

A quiet meeting in Oran on 18 August between the Moroccan and Algerian Prime Ministers Abderrahmane El Youssoufi and Ahmed Ouyahia was intended to ease months of rising tensions ov...

Patriot games

The arrest of over 100 members of 'patriot' militias, including the Presidents of the Relizane and Djidiouia Assemblées Populaires Communales, for involvement in 'extra-judicial ex...

Europe's concern

The European Union’s 20-21 January trip to Algiers achieved little. Public pressure in Europe and North Africa to stem a spiralling death toll had forced the EU to appear to ...

Rule by authority

The latest elections haven't changed the Maghreb governments' absolutist methods

For all their differences, the rulers of the two big Maghreb neighbours share some important traits. They fear Islamist revolutionaries and are offering a small share of power to s...

Displaying 101-110 out of 121 results.