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news by category: Puntland

Found 3 articles.

Displaying 1-3 out of 3 results.

ISIS breaks out of its Puntland base

Fighters from ISIS or Da’ish are extending operations beyond the Puntland enclave to challenge Al Shabaab, the main Islamist militia in Somalia

The isolated Horn of Africa branch of ISIS or Da’ish, outnumbered and outgunned hitherto by Al Shabaab, the trustiest affiliate of the rival Al Qaida franchise, has been gain...

Deferring democracy

Local elections were meant to be a first democratic step but the territory’s leaders fear they could threaten stability

Whether or not Puntland is ‘ready for democracy’, the government has postponed the local elections due on 15 May. There is no clear notion of when, if ever, they will occur. Presid...

How many states for the north?

Tension between Somaliland (created in 1991) and the much less firmly established Puntland (created 1998) has been running high. On 1 July, yet another state, Maakhir, was inaugura...

Displaying 1-3 out of 3 results.