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Western Sahara


news by category: Western Sahara

Found 19 articles.

Displaying 11-19 out of 19 results.

Fishing for favours

Encouraged by a powerful Moroccan lobbying effort, the European Parliament decided on 12 February to endorse the new EU-Morocco Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement in appar...

The Sahara conflict is back

Rabat’s new engagement with sub-Saharan Africa is raising the temperature of its dispute with Polisario

One of Africa's most prominent militant groups gathered thousands of supporters and threatened to storm the Moroccan wall on 10 May. It was not a confrontation between Polisario fo...

Fishing for recognition

The precise legal position of the European Union's fisheries agreement with Morocco may now be clear, but few seem to have noticed. The European Court of Justice ruled on 27 Februa...

Standoff in the Sahara

Moroccan forces have withdrawn behind their defensive wall at Guerguerat in Western Sahara after months of rising tension on the disputed territory's southern border with Mauritani...

Rabat's Cold War manoeuvre

The kingdom is desperate to roll back a series of diplomatic setbacks over the Western Sahara and has the UN in its sights

Last month's visit to Moscow by King Mohammed VI had echoes of the political manoeuvres favoured by his late father, King Hassan II, who liked to play both sides in the Cold War ag...

In the palace

The face to face meetings between Polisario and Moroccan officials in September and October, the first for almost a decade, offer at least a fig leaf for the continuation of the Un...

No vote, no peace

Hostilities look set to flare again if the United Nations Security Council endorses the withdrawal of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (Minurso) in a debate this...

Exeunt UN

It looks increasingly doubtful that the United Nations will extend its Western Sahara mandate which expires on 31 January, Security Council sources tell us. And tension over Wester...

Displaying 11-19 out of 19 results.