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news by category: Africa

Found 843 articles.

Displaying 791-800 out of 843 results.

Another Euroland

Prospects for economic union in West Africa, at least among the CFA Franc Zone countries, are looking up. The Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine is pushing ahead ...

Out of Africa

Peter Hain's appointment as Britain's Minister of State for Africa is likely to push African concerns a few notches higher up the Whitehall totem pole.

Rival refugees

Those in Africa who'd hoped the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's bombing of former Yugoslavia presaged a tougher line on rogue states and human rights abusers are disappointed....

Yellow card

The Netherlands has warned four African governments that it will halt aid if they don't improve their governance records, Africa Confidential has learned.

Conference calls

Amsterdam and Geneva have become favoured cities for conference organisers seeking highranking African delegates. An impressive array of ministers and power company managers is on ...

Banned, still deadly

The campaign against anti-personnel mines (APM) has grown fast. The Ottawa Convention banning them came into force on 1 March, when 134 governments had signed and 65 ratified it. T...

Diplomacy with attitude

The Labour government's ideas of an ethical foreign policy and activist diplomacy have met their toughest test in Africa's conflicts

British ministers talk boldly of 'militant humanitarianism' and 'defending civilians against terror'. They refer to Kosovo, but some African officials have asked their Western cou...

Whitehall's Africa team

After an eventful two years for politics and personalities, Africa is getting more space

Along with Washington and Paris, London is a key city for Africa specialists in diplomacy, academia and business but they break cover less often than their American and French coun...

Battle lines in Washington and Africa

Washington's ministerial meeting raised morale but offered no new strategies for tackling the worsening regional conflicts

For a time during Washington’s 16-18 March Africa Ministerial Conference, the capital’s political hatchets were buried and politicians, business people and bureaucrats applauded th...

Displaying 791-800 out of 843 results.