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Published 25th June 1999

Vol 40 No 13


The NIF goes on a charm offensive

Europe takes Khartoum's promises of dialogue and an 'oil bonanza' seriously – unlike Washington and the Sudanese themselves

Last week in Khartoum, where mixed student outings have been common for decades, 25 students who went on a picnic were publicly flogged for 'immoral' behaviour. The girls were found guilty of wearing trousers. Fines were imposed of up to 50,000 Sudanese pounds (US$20), a large sum in today's impoverished Sudan. More seriously, government forces continue to drive Southern civilians from their homes. Hundreds were crossing into Kenya at Lokichoggio daily in early June, fleeing government bombing around Chukundum. In mid-June, the United Nations reported that some 2,000 Dinka people from northern Bahr el Ghazal had trudged into Khor Omer camp at Ed Daein, Southern Darfur. Government forces continue to torch Nuban villages.

Mbeki the mystery

Image courtesy of Panos Pictures

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Close shave

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Chissano tastes success

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Gem gumshoes

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Bienvenue à Alger

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Rival refugees

Those in Africa who'd hoped the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's bombing of former Yugoslavia presaged a tougher line on rogue states and human rights abusers are disappointed....