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Published 23rd May 2024

Vol 65 No 11


Tshisekedi unruffled in his labyrinth

Pic: Facebook
Pic: Facebook

After a spectacularly incompetent coup fails, the ruling party points fingers at Rwanda and Washington

Shots rang out in the Gombe diplomatic enclave of Kinshasa early on 19 May when over 50 men in combat fatigues drove in convoy towards the residence of President Félix Tshisekedi, known as the Palais de la Nation. Leading the charge was Christian Malanga, 41, a diaspora politician and gunslinger who has lived in Eswatini and the United States. He served in Congo’s army in 2006-7 before unsuccessfully running in parliamentary elections in 2011.


US mulls Gertler deal to secure minerals

Pic: dan-gertler.com
Pic: dan-gertler.com

The Biden administration risks undermining the credibility of the Magnitsky Act that was used to impose sanctions on the Israeli billionaire

The US government has proposed a deal with Israeli mining magnate Dan Gertler that would enable Gertler to sell his remaining royalty streams in Congolese mining assets and exit th...


Kenyan President William Ruto's state visit to the United States on 23-24 May, the first by an African leader since 2008, reinforces the country's role as the leading western ally in the region – on climate change, energy policy, Ukraine, trade and tax. Officials from the US and Germany say that Ruto is one of few African leaders to consistently have their ear.

Items on the agenda will include the deployment of an UN-backed police mission to combat gang violence in Haiti, led by...

Kenyan President William Ruto's state visit to the United States on 23-24 May, the first by an African leader since 2008, reinforces the country's role as the leading western ally in the region – on climate change, energy policy, Ukraine, trade and tax. Officials from the US and Germany say that Ruto is one of few African leaders to consistently have their ear.

Items on the agenda will include the deployment of an UN-backed police mission to combat gang violence in Haiti, led by 1,000 Kenyan police officers. The mission has been repeatedly delayed by disagreements over its funding from the US and other donors and by a series of court challenges in Nairobi.

Talks on a bilateral trade pact between Kenya and the US started under Joe Biden's predecessor Donald Trump. Biden has continued them but progress has been slow; a deal before November's US presidential polls is unlikely. Ruto will also raise Kenya's interest in shaping the next version of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act snaking its way through Congress. They will also discuss the growing US military presence at Kenya's Manda Bay base in a region facing deepening security crises and geopolitical rivalries. Under Ruto, Kenya has moved far closer to the US position on Israel-Gaza, eastern Congo, Russia and LGBTQ+ rights That distinguishes it from countries such as Ethiopia, South Africa and Uganda.

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