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Published 23rd August 1996

Vol 37 No 17


Divided they rise

'The book is closed definitively' on the Front Islamique du Salut, President Lamine Zeroual has told other participants in his political dialogue. The 'eradication' policy favoured by hardliners such as the Defence Minister, Lieutenant General MohamedLamari,hasbecomegenerallyaccepted. AsDefence Minister, Gen. Zeroual held a 'secret' dialogue with gaoled FIS President Abbasi Madani. Now, his chief political manipulator, the Minister-Counsellor Major Gen. Mohamed Betchine, is striving to win over rival Islamist organisations.

Aydeed's legacy

America's arch-enemy is succeeded by his American son while his rivals plot

The death on 1 August of General Mohamed Farah Hassan 'Aydeed' has created opportunities but not many for peace. Within a week of the self-proclaimed President's death, his son and...

The foreign fronts

Yoweri Museveni is lauded for his success at home; his foreign policy is not so popular

Kampala is caught in two regional conflicts. To the west, President Yoweri Museveni is a key supporter of the Front Patriotique Rwandais government in Kigali and shares its interes...

The people's land

Frelimo ministers seem keen to sell the land that feeds the people, often to themselves

The great southern African land rush is on. President Joaquim Chissano's government is almost half-way towards its target of selling concessions for some 20 million hectares of ara...

No man an island

Anyaoku's Commonwealth visit offers a solution for Zanzibar's warring parties

Zanzibar's politicians have moved a few inches nearer to resolving their quarrel. After meeting both sides on 5-6 August, Commonwealth Secretary General Emeka Anyaoku left proposal...


Making a hash of it

The price of cannabis has soared this summer in Britain and other European markets. Smokers can lay much of the blame on Driss Basri, Interior Minister of Morocco, which is thought...

Malay straits

Namibia is looking eastward and Malaysia is its new friend. In late July, President Sam Nujoma visited Kuala Lumpur, where he announced 'large investments' by Malaysian companies i...

Warning from Addis

Ethiopian forces used tanks and helicopter gunships to attack Islamist militias in three towns in Somalia – Belet-Hawa, Dolo and Lugh – on 8-9 August in an attempt to destroy bases...