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Published 1st March 2011

Vol 4 (AAC) No 5


Beijing and Delhi change tack

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The crisis in Libya is exposing foreign policy contradictions across the world – including among Asia’s rising powers

China and India, like many Western and African states, have torn up their diplomatic rule books as the crisis in Libya moves from revolution to civil war. First to go was Beijing’s and New Delhi’s hallowed principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states. Beijing’s initial reaction had been to call for calm and avoid denunciations of Libyan leader Moammar el Gadaffi and his regime.

Solid foundations

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Chinese traders in Tripoli are watching closely to see how the Western-led attacks on Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi’s regime will affect business in the short term. South Korean and C...

Campaigns made in China

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President Déby is campaigning in April’s presidential polls on the back of infrastructure and natural resource projects supported by China

Chadian President Idriss Déby Itno is choosing the same political strategy as Congo-Kinshasa’s President Joseph Kabila: he has opened the country’s doors to numerous development pr...

Do it by the deadline

After managing a transition which led to the election on 12 March of new President Mahamdou Issoufou, the military junta has announced that it will not hand over power on 6 April w...

Good neighbours

Addax, a British-listed oil and gas company controlled by China’s Sinopec, may benefit from this month’s decision by the Nigerian and Cameroonian governments to collaborate in the ...

Surveying Sicomines

The Congolese authorities are having trouble holding their Chinese partners to account while new barter deals and contracts pile up

Concerns are rising over the opacity of the US$6 billion Sicomines deal between the Congolese government and a group of Chinese companies. Congolese civil society groups and opposi...

Road builders

Japan and China both want to get their hands on Malawi’s transport infrastructure. The Chinese are building roads, while the Japanese announced in February their US$18 million reha...

All roads lead to Beijing

Chinese construction companies are not just carrying out Beijing-backed projects, they are also winning contracts from international donors. The first phases of telecommunications ...

A new nation

Once an opponent of South Sudanese secession, then diplomatically agnostic, China is now making up for lost time in shoring up relations with the soon-to-be-independent Government ...


Jen-Chih 'Robert' Huang

Chief Executive Officer, Mpisi 74

South Africa has been a land of opportunity and peril for Taiwan’s Robert Huang, an essential link in a series of deals connecting Asian companies to the presidential family. He fi...

Franky Oesman Widjaja

Chairman, Golden Agri-Resources

Golden Agri-Resources (GAR), the world’s largest palm oil company by land under cultivation, will increase its size by almost 50% with a 220,000 hectare plantation in Liberia. The ...

Salva Kiir Mayardit

President, Southern Sudan

Investors in Sudan’s oil wealth – China, Malaysia and India among them – closely watch Southern Sudan’s preparations for independence. The government has crucial decisions to take ...

Liu Zhiming

Chairman, China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation

The Tazara Railway that links Kapiri Mposhi, Zambia, to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, was built under arduous conditions by thousands of African and Chinese labourers between 1970 and 1...