China's business ties to the loathed Camara junta could quickly backfire
Beijing's Foreign Ministry officials are energetically distancing
themselves from a US$7 billion minerals deal announced on 9 October
by the increasingly isolated military regime in Guinea with the
Hong-Kong based China International Fund. Without some fast diplomatic
footwork, China could again face excoriation for helping to finance
a murderous regime, five years after an international campaign
began pressuring Beijing over military and financial links to
the Sudanese regime and massacres in Darfur.
The business people, politicians and state officials behind
the China International Fund (CIF) and China Sonangol International
(CSI) entered the public eye in 2008 with the purc...
The China International Fund (CIF) was born in the aftermath
of Angola's civil war as the Luanda government embarked
on Africa's costliest post-war reconstruction, fuelled by oil...