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Published 1st November 2007

Vol 1 (AAC) No 1


Big oil, high stakes

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Luanda is Beijing’s closest ally in Africa but mystery surrounds the role of Chinese companies in rebuilding the country

Beijing may try to stay out of African politics but the rivalries among Angola’s elite leave its diplomats little choice. The latest row over China’s US$6 billion credit line to the Luanda government pitted two former intelligence chiefs against each other: General Manuel Hélder Vieira Dias ‘Kopelipa’, the former security advisor to President José Eduardo dos Santos, and General Fernando Garcia Miala, the long-time military intelligence director. Kopelipa is ahead on all counts.

China's Nova Luanda

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The China International Fund (CIF) appears to be the construction arm of Beiya International Development Ltd, the parent company of China Angola Oil Stock Holding Ltd, which tra...

New order, new deals

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Asian companies face new rules and new relationships in Africa’s most prolific but politically complex oil producer

Reforms in Nigeria’s oil sector, promised by Minister of State for Oil Odein Ajumogobia, will mean that some of the multibillion dollar deals with Asian companies will be re...

The battle for Ndjamena

President Déby left Beijing with a clutch of deals after he had ditched Taipei – ‘for the survival of Chad’

Losing Chad has been a big setback for Taiwan’s plans in Africa. Chad had resumed diplomatic ties with Taiwan in 1997. Merchandise trade had not been important for either ...

Hands across the water

The boom in Indian-South African relations is bringing together politicians, companies, and even Bollywood film stars and African actors. Both have their iconic statesmen –...

With friends like these...

As China’s commercial ties with Africa deepen, so Taiwan’s diplomatic links to the continent look ever more precarious

As it loses the diplomatic and commercial competition with Beijing, the Taiwan government is casting around for new friends and a new strategy in Africa. Painfully aware of its u...

La grande bouffe

Belgium and the United States are still reeling from Kinshasa’s mid-September announcement that China is to invest more than US$8 billion in Congo-Kinshasa.

Shifting sands

Khartoum’s côterie of Asian investors worry about a return to the North-South war

China is trying to strengthen its diplomatic and commercial relations with Sudan despite the international opprobrium that those relations have attracted. Meanwhile, Khartoum&rs...

Charting Africa's Chinese future

by Chris Alden

The extravagance on show at the China-Africa Summit in Beijing last November marked the beginning of a consolidation of ties between the two regions. Chinese and African leaders ...


Kamalesh Sharma

India's High Commissioner to Britain

Kamalesh Sharma, the High Commisioner of India to Britain, is favourite to be the next Secretary General of the Commonwealth when New Zealand’s Don McKinnon finishes his second ...

Ban Ki-moon

United Nations Secretary General

When South Korea’s Ban Ki-moon became UN Secretary General in January, he pledged to reform UN management – and to make climate change and Sudan’s Darfur his top priorities.

Li Ruogu

President of the Export Import Bank of China

Li Ruogu has been Chairman and President of the Export-Import Bank of China (China Exim) since June 2005. With one Masters in Law from Beijing University and another in Public A...

Zhong Jianhua

China's Ambassador to South Africa

The career of China’s new Ambassador to South Africa, Zhong Jianhua, hints at the importance Beijing places on its biggest trade partner in Africa. A graduate of the Beijing In...