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Population: 29.32m
GDP: $53.21bn
Debt: 39.2% of GDP (2024)

news from Cameroon

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Found 80 articles.

Displaying 11-20 out of 80 results.

Limbo after ghost elections

As the ruling party prepares to claim a landslide victory, the country’s regional and linguistic divides are getting out of control

The national elections on 7 October could be the worst yet in Cameroon and will further weaken President Paul Biya's claim to legitimacy. But Biya's Rassemblement démocratiq...

Biya's no-change election

In the midst of jihadist violence and a separatist insurgency, Africa’s oldest leader stands for a seventh term

The country's 6.5 million registered voters have a chance to end 36 years of President Paul Biya's rule at the presidential polls on 7 October but the odds are against any of the o...

Language barriers

More than 100 civilians, at least 43 members of the security forces and an unknown number of armed militants have reportedly died since Cameroon's Anglophone crisis turned violent ...

The Anglophone spring

Discrimination against English-speakers is rooted in a risky regime complacency about their grievances

Headed by an Anglophone former Prime Minister, Peter Mafany Musonge, the National Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism, which President Paul Biya order...

Old man trouble

Since President Paul Biya will be 85 at the time of the presidential election scheduled for 2018 and he has named no successor, the opposition believes it has a chance to unseat hi...

Bird flu ruffles feathers

The government has moved swiftly to counter an outbreak of deadly bird flu but the economic toll risks stoking political discontent

The much-loved rotisserie restaurants and cafés of Yaoundé stand dark and deserted in the otherwise bustling streets of the Cameroon capital, after the government recently declared...

Biya's time added on

The fast-approaching presidential elections in France and the United States have given President Paul Biya's close circle cause for concern. Biya, 83, who has ruled for 32 years, i...

Biya’s emerging dream

Dealing with Eurobonds appeals more to a President of 82, who still has no heir, than tackling Boko Haram

Could there be substance to President Paul Biya's claim that Cameroon can secure 'emerging market' status by 2035, leisurely as that deadline is? The potential to attract investmen...

Bickering over Boko Haram

The political class falls out over the Islamists while the military claims a 'stinging setback' against them

On 4 September, President Paul Biya returned from his customary holiday at Geneva's Intercontinental Hotel to find ruling party politicians accusing each other of being in league w...

Ransom claims dog Biya

More reports say Yaoundé is negotiating with Boko Haram, as a prominent MP reports on the condition of the hostages

The government sent a ruling party MP, Abba Boukar Malla, to negotiate with the jihadist militia Boko Haram for ransoms for the hostages they seized in a raid on Kolofata village o...

Displaying 11-20 out of 80 results.