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Population: 16.48m
GDP: $34.41bn
Debt: 98.5% of GDP (2024)

news from Zimbabwe

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Found 596 articles.

Displaying 561-570 out of 596 results.

Hawks or doves?

Britain is maintaining an 'informal arms embargo' on Zimbabwe, defence sources told Africa Confidential in Harare this week. This is despite a cabinet meeting in Downing Street las...

They're off - or not

Confusion mounts over Zimbabwe's parliamentary elections. Last month Justice Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa, 53, announced their postponement from March to June so that the poll could...

Busting Billy

The South African police investigation into Zimbabwean entrepreneur Billy Rautenbach risks escalating into a diplomatic clash between Pretoria and Harare. Rautenbach is a close ass...

Rhodies to the rescue

Some of Ian Smith's old friends are helping to finance Robert Mugabe's Congo war effort

Zimbabwe's war in the Congo gets costlier by the day. As the bill rises, the failure of President Robert Mugabe's government to budget accurately for its intervention has caused a ...

Unmoved movers

Although dominated by trades unionists, the Movement for Democratic Change, launched on 11 September, is a formidable coalition: lawyers, war veterans, students and activists from ...

Chinja maitiro!

Trades unions are mounting their toughest challenge to ZANU-PF since Independence

Zimbabwe's trades unionists cannot expect the landslide that their colleagues in Zambia's Movement for Multi-Party Democracy scored against President Kenneth Kaunda in 1991. Althou...

U-turns, screw turns

The ruling party dreams the IMF could help it win the next election

The latest international plan for turning Zimbabwe's economy around looks sound, in narrow economic terms. In narrow political terms, though, it ignores reality, including next ye...

A hard act to follow

The post-Nkomo era promises a major shake-up in Matabeleland and beyond

For a few days, the death of Joshua Mqabuko Nyongolo Nkomo united Zimbabweans. He was 82, a towering figure since the 1950s, when he returned from college in South Africa and began...

Where's the door?

Beleaguered President Mugabe is fighting pressure for him to retire

President Robert Mugabe may not after all be heading for a speedy retirement, although he was 75 in February and has held power since April 1980. Speculation about his early retir...

Big Wheels

The news that creditor banks met to discuss the future of well connected Zimbabwean entrepreneur Billy Rautenbach's Hyundai Motor Distributors in Botswana raises questions about hi...

Displaying 561-570 out of 596 results.