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Population: 103.2m
GDP: $73.76bn
Debt: 11.1% of GDP (2024)

news from Congo-Kinshasa

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Found 551 articles.

Displaying 311-320 out of 551 results.

Monuc moves out

The United Nations announced in early March that it would begin to withdraw its peacekeeping mission, the Mission des Nations Unies en République Démocratique du Congo (Monuc) from...

Roger Busima Kataala

Director General, Agence Congolaise des Travaux Grands, Congo-Kinshasa

Roger Busima Kataala is the head of the Agence Congolaise des Travaux Grands (ACGT), the agency that supervises Chinese-led infrastructure construction. The administrator has beco...

Kinshasa’s missing millions

Evidence of grand corruption mounts in Beijing’s showcase $6 billion barter deal with the Kinshasa government

Over US$23 million in signature bonuses payable on China’s $6 billion Sino-Congolaise des Mines (Sicomines) deal with the Kinshasa government have been stolen according to a prob...

Fixing Kinshasa's broken boulevards

Agreed in November 2009, the second phase of infrastructure deals associated with the Sicomines joint venture is worth US$400 million and is expected to provide Congolese Presid...

Donald Kaberuka

President, African Development Bank

As President of the African Development Bank, Donald Kaberuka received red-carpet treatment on his visit to China on 3-6 February. A troop of dignitaries turned out to welcome him:...

Evariste Boshab

President, National Assembly, Congo-Kinshasa

Evariste Boshab, Secretary General of the ruling Parti du Peuple pour la Reconstruction et la Démocratie, has become an essential contact for Congo-courting diplomats, particularly...

A storm in the fish ponds

What seemed to start as a local quarrel has turned into a new challenge to the beleaguered Congolese state

Small rows can end in great slaughter and the Congolese government is powerless to limit it. A humanitarian catastrophe and a political uprising started around some fish ponds in E...

The Experts win support

Resisting pressure to overlook those breaking the arms embargo, the UNSC’s reaction to a hard-hitting investigation is suprisingly robust

The United Nations Security Council has resisted heavy pressure to reject the hard-hitting UN Panel of Experts' Report(i) on violations, by African and Western states, of the embar...

Throwing out the neighbours

A spree of mutual expulsions disguises long-standing economic disputes

The two big neighbours have been busily expelling each others' nationals and the resulting tension hides their disagreements about oil, diamonds and the hoped-for electric power fr...

Mines, dollars and dams

A decade after the fall of Mobutu Sese Seko, the Kinshasa government is still plagued by grand corruption and its reform efforts look hollow

Several inconvenient facts are undermining President Joseph Kabila's ambitious 'zero tolerance' anti-corruption campaign. Recent reports highlight the failure of efforts to reform ...

Displaying 311-320 out of 551 results.