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Population: 103.2m
GDP: $73.76bn
Debt: 11.1% of GDP (2024)

news from Congo-Kinshasa

Category: all

Found 551 articles.

Displaying 181-190 out of 551 results.

The Mai-Mai and their commanders

• The best-known of Katanga’s Mai-Mai leaders is Gédéon Kyungu Mutanga, a warlord who presided over a reign of terror between 2003 and 2006. He was condemned to death by a military...

Piecemeal deal

The deal designed to bring peace to Congo-Kinshasa’s troubled east is finally done. Doubts may abound but none were visible in Addis Ababa as South African President Jacob Zuma a...

Ailing and failing

President Kabila’s legitimacy is under attack at home while the country faces ruthless rebel militias backed by Rwanda and Uganda

This could well be the year in which Kinshasa’s hard-won but only half-complete institutions start to break up. Since 2006, the state has proclaimed that the President, along with...

Help for the East

With European security support to be reduced in 2015, Kinshasa is counting on China and India to help the UN mission and Congolese troops

India and China are offering to help President Joseph Kabila’s government secure its eastern borders following a series of bilateral meetings in June in Kinshasa. These offer...

Human rights abuses in Katanga

Amnesty International publishes a damning report on the results of mining operations in Congo-Kinshasa

‘Mining operations in the DRC have resulted in decades of abuse against artisanal miners and the neighbouring communities,’ according to Audrey Gaughran, Director of Gl...

Too great expectations

The Sicomines deposits contain smaller copper reserves than predicted and some detect deep problems in the partnership with China

In early May, Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo Mapon sent shockwaves through Kinshasa when he told the United Nations-backed Radio Okapi that the partnership between Congo-Kins...

Dam number three at Inga Falls

Kinshasa seals a deal with South Africa for the third dam in the series

Chinese, South Korean and Spanish companies are among those competing for the contract to construct Inga 3 after Congo-Kinshasa announced on 18 May that it has clinched a deal with...

Kasai mines go to Anhui

The Chinese company that works with the Zimbabwean government in the controversial Marange fields has signed a major deal with Kinshasa

Thanks to a contract signed in Kinshasa on 18 March by Anhui Foreign Economic Construction Corporation’s Vice-President Bai Ziangqian, State Assets Minister Louise Munga Mesozi and...

Fametal, SOKIMO and Ituri’s gold

Despite its troubles with the Congolese authorities last year, the Chinese group Fametal has now established a dominant position in Ituri’s gold belt. In March, Fametal President W...

Displaying 181-190 out of 551 results.