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Population: 103.2m
GDP: $73.76bn
Debt: 11.1% of GDP (2024)

news from Congo-Kinshasa

Category: all

Found 551 articles.

Displaying 101-110 out of 551 results.

Making the miners sweat

Big mining companies loudly rejected the new mining code. They don’t know if they’ll sue, shut their mines in protest, or lump it

Prime Minister Bruno Tshibala Nzenze signed into law regulations which overhaul the regime governing the mining sector on 9 June, making real the worst fears of Glencore, Randgold ...

Clashes over 'clean coltan'

Conflict minerals are being laundered for export, it is claimed, exacerbating Hutu-Tutsi tension in the unstable east

The closure of a coltan mine at the beginning of the month sparked protests and has focused attention on the continuing struggle to keep conflict financing out of supply chains. Ho...

The Great Lakes gold rush

Escalating violence is being fuelled by smuggled gold, which often ends up in the hands of a leading Belgian refiner

Diplomats and United Nations officials are becoming increasingly worried by the risk of another 'great war' as bad as that which devastated the country between 1998 and 2003. Now a...

Kabila's survival strategy

The President is brutally repressing dissent, ignoring and sometimes encouraging ethnic violence in a bid to prolong his rule

A leader determined to hold on to power against a growing band of opposition activists while militia fighters mobilise in the hinterland are all pushing Congo-Kinshasa closer to th...

Kabila squeezes the miners

A row between government and mining companies over profits and taxes could escalate the country’s crisis

Western mining companies – led by Glencore and Randgold – are readying for battle with President Joseph Kabila over the government's plans to hike taxes and royalties o...

The electoral mirage

Credible elections are no more likely this year than last but worsening living standards could trigger open revolt

The year begins with a distinct sense of déjà vu from a year ago. Postponed elections, originally supposed to take place in late 2016, are now promised for the end of the year to r...

UN raid's complex causes

The United Nations and the world media were quick to blame the Ugandan rebel group Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) for a raid on 7 December on a UN military base near the Semliki Br...

Slippage, not suffrage

A fresh election timetable should signal President Kabila's impending exit – but could end up as just the latest in a series of delays

The electoral commission (Commission électorale nationale indépendante – CENI) has finally published a calendar fixing polls for the presidency, the national and state parlia...

Mayhem among the militias

The loyalty of government forces is under strain as new militia challenges spring up, especially in the benighted Kivus

President Joseph Kabila's Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo (FARDC) are struggling to cope with a series of attacks by Mai Mai militia group...

Displaying 101-110 out of 551 results.