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Population: 46.85m
GDP: $56.31bn
Debt: 49.7% of GDP (2024)

news from Uganda

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Found 261 articles.

Displaying 221-230 out of 261 results.

In come the vigilantes

The 'Arrow Boys' are doing better than the army in the war against the LRA

The advance of Joseph Kony's dreaded Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) towards Soroti, the main town of eastern Teso region, has shocked the government and caught the army by surprise. ...

Model reformer stumbles

Uganda may be faltering as a model reformer but Western states and multilateral organisations still pay most of its bills: about 55 per cent of the national budget in the 2002-03 f...

Dr Faustus, I presume

The deal to give the President another term in exchange for reform is crumbling

A growing minority within the ruling National Resistance Movement opposes another five-year term for President Yoweri Museveni in 2006 as well as the political reforms that his sup...

Father and son

The death of Idi Amin Dada, prematurely reported several times by Kampala newspapers in recent weeks, may indeed be imminent. 'He is alive but remains in a near-death condition in ...

Kazini goes back to school

The sacking of a top general has nothing to do with allegations of his corruption, say the military

Commander of the Ugandan People's Defence Force Major General James Kazini was second only to President Yoweri Museveni in the military hierarchy. So continuing allegations of corr...

High dudgeon summit

None of the three main players brimmed with confidence about better Rwandan-Ugandan relations after their mini-summit at Britain's Lancaster House on 8 May. No new measures were ag...

Drummed out

Only a burst tyre and a forced landing made Uganda miss its 24 April deadline to pull its troops out of north-eastern Congo-Kinshasa. They set off in four Antonov transport aeropla...

The great U-turn

President Museveni calls for the freeing of parties and the chance of a third term at the top

It was the sharpest of U-turns. President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, who has vehemently defended his 'no-party system' of government since he won power in 1986, now wants to lift the ...

Soccer war, Congo war

So it's war then. Uganda's daily Monitor was unequivocal: 'Rwanda, Uganda go to war in Kigali!' screamed the headline. In fact, the Monitor was reporting a qualifying match between...

Displaying 221-230 out of 261 results.