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Population: 12.34m
GDP: $54.71bn
Debt: 78.6% of GDP (2024)

news from Tunisia

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Found 93 articles.

Displaying 21-30 out of 93 results.

Low turn-out saps Saïed

Pressure on President Kaïs Saïed to step down is mounting after a series of political reverses and stark evidence of his diminishing popularity, the most recent of which ...


Voters stay away en masse in challenge to Saïed

Union strike action could strengthen opposition to regime's growing authoritarianism but outsiders steer clear

The scale of the backlash by voters, just 8.8% of whom turned out in Saturday's parliamentary elections, according to Tunisia's electoral commission, is a major blow to President K...


Apathy to greet polling day

The country's biggest union boss has launched a major attack on the president, but voter indifference is widespread

Tunisia's powerful trade union federation has launched its biggest public attack on President Kaïs Saïed's political and economic programme, publicly rejecting the polls ...


Trade union chief poses new threat to Saïed

Unions threaten to end cooperation with the President ahead of heavily controlled parliamentary vote

In elections on 17 December, President Kaïs Saïed is expected to get the docile parliament he wants. It will be shaped by his constitutional reform programme, approved on...


Unions and oppositionists warn of a social explosion

Widespread food and fuel shortages are driving anger on the streets as President Saïed focuses on his authoritarian political project

As police clashed with protestors in Tunis over the weekend of 15-16 October, the IMF announced that it had reached provisional agreement with President Kaïs Saïed's gove...

The middle class heads north

Patterns in migration from Tunisia have been changing over the past year as part of a 'surge' in informal migration, according to recent research. Previously informal migration was...

Displaying 21-30 out of 93 results.