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Population: 49.14m
GDP: $26.87bn
Debt: 280.3% GDP (2024)

news from Sudan

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Found 564 articles.

Displaying 371-380 out of 564 results.

The Darfur deadline passes

As the death rate of Darfur villagers soars, so does the confidence of the regime killing them

Western and African governments talk of a UN 'hybrid force' to protect civilians in Darfur but it is the National Congress (formerly National Islamic Front) regime which is literal...

Wars across borders

Khartoum is exporting its Darfur holocaust to Chad and sparking regional fires

The war now involves not only Chadian and Sudanese rebels and the two states' armies but is also drawing in Chadian civilians, communities who are arming and organising themselves ...

The Dutch diversion

A diplomatic row follows the expulsion of the UN envoy and further delays the deployment of a protection force to Darfur

Khartoum's expulsion of UN Special Representative Johannes Pieter 'Jan' Pronk on 22 October has created a diplomatic diversion while it presses ahead with its latest military offen...

The West's weakness

Military options were proposed on 1 October in the Washington Post by ex-President Bill Clinton's Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Susan Rice and National Security ...

Gosh again

As the Sudan government gears up for a massive new military offensive in Darfur, its intelligence chief Salah Abdullah 'Gosh' has again held secret talks in Britain, apparently abo...

The real rebels

Western and African diplomats lose the plot as a new opposition alliance emerges

African Union and Western diplomatic strategy is being outpaced by military and political changes in Darfur. Their absolutist support for May's badly flawed Darfur Peace Agreement ...

Troubled talks

The UN Security Council and aid agencies are taking a more pragmatic approach to the talks between the Ugandan government and the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) in South Sudan's capi...

Displaying 371-380 out of 564 results.